Feb 13, 2025  
2013-2014 Catalog-EXPIRED 

Academic Information

Admissions and Enrollment Services

Admissions and Enrollment Center
(616) 234-3300

Admission Requirements

Admission to Grand Rapids Community College is open to all high school graduates, or those who have satisfactorily completed the General Education Development (GED) test or individuals 18 years or older. Grand Rapids Community College requires degree-seeking students to submit high school transcripts with a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher and an American College Test (ACT) score of 18 or higher in the subject areas of math, reading, and English.

Students with a high school GPA below 2.0, students with a General Education Development (GED) Certificate, students with a Community Education Development or Certificate of Completion, or students with no ACT scores, or ACT scores below 18 in math, reading, and English, are required to complete a placement test. (See Assessment below.)

Degree seeking students transferring in from another College need to provide a transcript showing at least 12 completed credits with a 2.0 GPA or higher; those Students transferring in who do not have 12 completed credits with a 2.0 GPA or higher need to meet the same admissions requirements as high school graduates or GED recipients.

Admission Requirements

Applicants seeking degrees/certificates or planning to transfer to another college must:

  1. Submit an application online at www.grcc.edu  or request a paper copy from the Admissions and Enrollment Center. /apply
  2. Request that an official high school transcript (college transcript if transferring from another institution) be sent to the Admissions and Enrollment Center.
  3. A student must be in a degree/certificate program to receive financial aid.

Applicants wishing to take classes for personal interest (non-degree) must:

  1. Submit an application online at www.grcc.edu or request a paper copy from the Admissions and  Enrollment Center.

Application Deadlines:

  1. Applicants are advised to apply as early as possible prior to the beginning of the semester.
  2. Applications are processed as they are received, with the upcoming semester given priority.
  3. Deadlines will be posted each semester for degree/certificate-seeking applicants.

(616) 234-3300

Students who enter Grand Rapids Community College intending to earn a degree or certificate will be required to take a placement test unless their high school grade point average is equal to or greater than 2.0 and their ACT score is 18 or higher in the subject areas of math, reading, and English. Call the Admissions and Enrollment Center for more information about the placement test, (616) 234-3300 or visit www.grcc.edu/accuplacer .

The requirement to take the placement test may be waived for students who have successfully completed Elementary Algebra (MA 098)  and English Composition (EN 101)  or Business and Technical English (BA 101) , or the equivalent of these courses.

High school graduates who do not meet the minimum GPA and ACT score requirement, General Education Development (GED) recipients, and students holding a Community Education Diploma or Certificate of Completion, will be required to take the placement test.

The College requires students to take the specific courses they test into. Students who place into pre-college English, reading, or mathematics will take Academic Foundations Program (AFP) courses in the corresponding area(s) to prepare for college-level course work. Students will be required to meet with a counselor to schedule their classes if they test into two or more AFP classes. AFP classes are identified by a 0-level designation code (e.g., MA 95 , EN 97 , etc.)

AFP classes will not receive credit toward degree requirements.

Writing Placement

Student placement into composition courses  will be determined by test scores on the ACT Test battery or  writing  placement test score on the WritePlacer test from ACCUPLACER. If the assessment test score in  composition is not satisfactory, the student will be assigned to Academic Foundations English (EN 097)  . If the assessment test score in English is acceptable, the student will be assigned to College Writing (EN 100)  or English Composition (EN 101) . Some students who test into EN 101   will be required to enroll in EN 120   Editing and Proofreading as a co-requisite with EN 101 .

Exceptions to these criteria are allowed only after the student has taken the ACCUPLACER twice and appealed the placement with the Associate Dean of Counseling and Advising.  English as a Second Language (ESL)courses are also available for students with limited English proficiency.

Reading Placement

Reading for College Success (RD 095 ), College Reading (RD 097)  and College Reading (RD 098)  are designed for students with reading needs as evidenced by their high school records or test results. The primary focus of is reviewing, refreshing, and reinforcing vocabulary building and the reading process.  This course is offered as a co-requisite with and CO 3  EN 97 .  The aim of RD 95  RD 97  is to help students establish efficient reading habits and to continue acquiring strategies to improve academic vocabulary. RD 98  will help students build critical reading and thinking skills and apply them to college-level texts.

Students placed in RD 95  and/or RD 97  are required to pass both RD 97  and RD 98  unless exempted, based on course performance and/or post-test results.

RD 95  students must receive a grade of C- or better to be passed into RD 97  or RD 98  unless exempted, based on course performance and/or post-test results.

RD 97  students must receive a grade of “C-” or better to be passed into RD 98 . RD 98  students must receive a grade of “C-” or better to complete their reading requirement. Students who receive a “D+” or lower grade for either course must retake that course.

Mathematics Placement

Student placement in mathematics courses will be determined by a combination of high school math performance, the American College Test (ACT) mathematics subject area test score, and scores on the ACCUPLACER math tests.

Students are encouraged to review basic algebra and arithmetic skills prior to taking the ACCUPLACER placement test. There are review materials on the GRCC Mathematics Department Web site at www.grcc.edu/math.

The chart below can be used as a guide for mathematics placement based on ACCUPLACER test scores.

Test Score Course Placement
ACCUPLACER Algebra Minimum Maximum  
  0 40 Take ACCUPLACER Arithmetic Test*
  41 75 MA 098
  76 120** MA 107
ACCUPLACER Arithmetic* 0 39 MA 095
  40 75 MA 097
  76 120 MA 098

* To pass into MA 98 , students assigned to MA 97  or MA 95 /MA 96  must receive a “C-” or better. Students must retake MA 97  or MA 95 /MA 96  if the grade is below “C-“. Students who receive a “D” grade in MA 98  or MA 107  are urged to repeat the course.

** A score above 95, along with high school transcript information, may indicate student readiness for MA 110 , MA 131 , etc. Visit the Mathematics Department Web site for detailed information.

Class Standing

Freshman: A student who has not yet earned twenty-four (24) credit hours.

Sophomore: A student who has earned twenty-four (24) or more credit hours but has not completed an associate’s degree program.

Post-Graduate: A student who has already completed a degree program.

Full-Time Student: A student who is enrolled for 12 or more credit hours each semester is considered to be full-time. Students (except music majors) wanting to enroll for more than 18 hours in a semester must get permission from the appropriate Dean. Because of the preparatory requirements of applied music majors who will transfer to four-year colleges and universities, music majors must enroll for 19 or 20 credit hours in some semesters.

Transfer Students

Students previously enrolled in other colleges must submit all official transcripts from all previously attended colleges and universities to the Admissions and Enrollment Center in addition to completing the general requirements for admission. In general, courses completed at accredited institutions are transferable to GRCC; however, this College reserves the right to evaluate such credit according to its own standards. Credits for grades lower than “C-” in any course are not accepted for transfer and therefore will not be entered into the permanent record.  Letter grades are not transferred and a student’s GPA is calculated only from the courses taken at GRCC.

Former Students

Grand Rapids Community College welcomes former students and students who have withdrawn to return to continue their education. It is recommended that they call (616) 234-3900 to schedule an appointment with an academic counselor before scheduling classes. Additional procedures and/or fees may be required. Students who have attended another college, university, or served in the military, must provide an official transcript from that institution to the Admissions and Enrollment Center if they wish to have transfer credit evaluated. Students returning after an extended absence greater than two years from the College and who desire a certificate or associate’s degree will be required to fulfill the current graduation requirements. Former students are not required to reapply to GRCC but must contact the Admissions and Enrollment Center, (616) 234-3300, to update their address and reactivate their account or class registration.

Students who have been placed on Academic Suspension may, after a period of one calendar year, petition the Academic Suspension Readmission Committee for readmission. To review the Academic Standing Policy, visit the website at www.grcc.edu/student-records/academic-suspension.

Guest Students

Students currently enrolled at other Michigan colleges or universities who wish to take Grand Rapids Community College courses under Guest Student status should complete Part I of the Michigan Uniform Undergraduate Guest Application (available at the student’s current institution). GRCC requires a new Guest Application for each semester a student enrolls. Students should ask the Registrar at their current college to complete Part II and to forward it to GRCC’s Enrollment Center. Guest Students must request that an Official Transcript be sent to their current institution.  Guest students are responsible for meeting the pre-requisite requirements for selected classes.

Dual Enrollment

Office of Admissions
(616) 234-3300

The Dual Enrollment program at Grand Rapids Community College is open to qualified high school juniors and seniors. Dual enrolled applicants must:

1.      Be at least 14 years of age and pursuing a high school diploma.

2.      Maintaining a high school cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher. If the student has not yet established a high school transcript, the application will be reviewed on a case by case basis to be decided by both the high school counselor and the GRCC Dual Enrollment Coordinator

3.      Be approved by their high school counselor and principal.

4.      Desiring to take classes that are not available through your high school

5.      Qualified by meeting and submitting the Michigan Qualifying scores for tests approved by the state (PLAN, PSAT, EXPOLORE, MME, SAT, ACT) (Required for rising 9th grade and home-school students.) For more information, see http://www.michigan.gov/mde/0,4615,7-140-6530_40085—,00.html

An application may be obtained online at www.grcc.edu/dualenrollment. First-time students must submit the Dual enrollment application with required signatures and a current high school transcript. It is recommended that applications be submitted by Feb. 15 for Summer semester, April 15 for Fall semester and October 15 for the Winter semester.

Students are required to meet with their high school counselor and/or principal to discuss class selection Dual Enrollment students are limited to the amount of coursed they can take per year, depending on the year they apply.

See Web site for the most up-to-date listing of restricted classes.

All new Dual Enrollment students are required to attend the Dual Enrollment Orientation prior to the beginning of their first semester at GRCC. After completing their first semester, Dual

Enrollment students are not required to reapply. They will receive information about registration prior to each enrollment period.

Dual Enrollment students who wish to attend GRCC after high school graduation must complete a degree-seeking application. 

In addition to restricting particular classes from Dual Enrollment students, GRCC has a policy regarding course prerequisites intended to benefit all students. Prerequisites are courses required to be taken prior to registering for a class. GRCC views prerequisites as a necessary precondition and a foundation for success. GRCC may prevent a student from enrolling in a class if the prerequisites have not been met. Course prerequisites, if any, are listed with each course description in the College Catalog.

Health Programs

(616) 234-4348

Individuals new to the college who are interested in enrolling in any Grand Rapids Community College (GRCC) Health programs must first apply to GRCC through the Enrollment Center.

Entrance into the following Health programs also requires formal acceptance from the Health Admissions Office:

  • Associate Degree in Nursing
  • Dental Assisting
  • Dental Hygiene
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Certificate
  • Occupational Therapy Assistant
  • Practical Nursing
  • Radiologic Technology
  • Surgical Technology with Lansing Community College

See program description for specific program entrance requirements.

Health Admissions Requirements and Procedures

General admissions requirements to our health programs may change at the time of publication of this catalog. Therefore, interested applicants should check with the Health Admissions Coordinator for confirmation of individual health program admissions criteria. All new students must meet the requirements for admission to the College before being considered for any of the Health programs. Students should contact the Enrollment Center at (616) 234-4000 to request application information or should visit the GRCC Web site (www.grcc.edu). Following acceptance to the College, acceptance from the Health Admissions Office is required. The Health programs offered at GRCC are:

  • Dental Assisting
  • Dental Hygiene
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
  • Nursing: Associate Degree Nursing
  • Nursing: Practical Nursing Certificate
  • Occupational Therapy Assistant
  • Radiologic Technology
  • Surgical Technology (with LCC)

Students who choose to enroll in any of the health programs must complete the GRCC application and indicate the appropriate health program plan code. A current GRCC student must complete a (curriculum) plan code change form. For expectations to completing this form, contact the Health Admissions office. This form may be obtained in the Enrollment Center, 105 Main Building, the Counseling Office or in the Health Admission Coordinator’s Office, 600 College Park Plaza.

It is important for interested student applicants to know that completed applications are ranked for order of admission into the program. Student applicants are first ranked according to the date that they complete all the specific program entrance requirements. (See individual program requirements.) Therefore, applicants should complete these items first and as soon as possible. When there is more than one student who completes the admission procedures on any given date, then those students are ranked according to the date of their original application to the particular health program. In the rare instance where students have identical ready and application dates, they are ranked alphabetically.

After program requirements have been met, the Health Admissions Coordinator assigns a ready date for the respective program. A letter announcing acceptance to the chosen health program is sent and students are invited to meet with program staff to develop an Educational Development Plan (EDP). In programs with waiting lists, there may be some time (a year or more) between the original acceptance letter and the EDP meeting. Failure to meet program entrance requirements within two years will result in the removal of the student from the health plan code, and the student file will be inactivated.

To ensure successful progress and completion of entrance requirements for a health program, students must confirm that all records, transcripts, and any other documents are received by the Health Admissions office by calling (616) 234-4348 or by e-mailing pnaujali@grcc.edu. Students are responsible for maintaining and updating current phone number and address changes online.

If you are interested in enrolling in a Health program, you should be aware of special considerations and clinical requirements that affect health students that must be met for graduation, including a grade point average (GPA) of at least a 2.0 in both GRCC courses and Health Program courses. Please check for individual Health Programs requirements. Prospective students may apply for entry into Health Programs at the completion of their junior year in high school.

All GRCC Health Programs have specific clinical requirements that must be met as well for graduation. The following will prevent you from completing the clinical requirements and also from completing a health program:

  • If you elect not to have the hepatitis B vaccination series or do not provide proof of current immunizations.
  • If you have a history of chemical, latex, or other sensitivities and/or allergies which occur in the work or clinical environment.
  • Students entering GRCC’s Health, Criminal Justice, Pre-School and Education Programs must be fingerprinted for admission to these programs. The admission process for these programs includes a full criminal background check. Students must provide a social security number in order for this process to be completed.

    If a student cannot provide a social security number, the student will not be admitted to the program. False information is illegal and may be investigated as a criminal offense.

    Please note: Many of the professions associated with education, health and criminal justice require criminal history checks for licensure or certification. Students who enter these professions will be required to demonstrate proof of ability to work in the United States. Students who cannot provide proof of ability to work in the United States will be unable to obtain the required license or certification and should consider entering different programs of study.
  • Prior to application, please check the GRCC Web site at www.grcc.edu for additional instructions. Students will be responsible for any related fees.
  • If you test positive or negative on a drug screening test as required by a clinical facility, you must release findings to GRCC and the health care facility, as required.

Costs: In addition to tuition, fees and books, you should expect to pay for various other program-related expenses; for example, uniforms, testing, transportation, and supplies. Details and estimates of these expenses are available at each Health program office.

Personal Health Care costs: All Health program students are encouraged to maintain personal health insurance and must be aware that should an incident occur within a respective course, all related health care costs incurred are the responsibility of the student.

Time limit: To be eligible for graduation, after taking the first course in a designated Health program, the student must complete a two-year program within five years, the PN program within 5 years, and all other one-year programs within 3 years.

Sciences: In order to be acceptable as transfer courses into Health programs, science courses must have been completed within eight years of graduation/completion of the specific GRCC Health program.

International Students

Please note: GRCC’s English as a Second Language program is not intended for students on an F-1 Visa.

Office of Admissions and Enrollment Center
(616) 234-3300

Grand Rapids Community College is authorized by law to enroll non-immigrant alien students.

  1. An International Student is any non-immigrant in possession of or seeking a current F-1 Student Visa. The student must complete a Grand Rapids Community College (GRCC) International Student Application.
  2. Completed applications are due June 1 for Fall semester and October 1 for Winter semester. GRCC does not admit international students to its Summer semester.
  3. The student must present proof that he or she is a graduate of an accredited secondary school before admission to the college will be granted. This should include a record of any post-secondary schooling the student has had in the United States as well. All information must be translated into English by an official translator.
  4. The student must provide scores to prove adequate proficiency in the English language unless English is his or her native language. Admission may be granted to a student who has:
    1. Scored a minimum score of 525 on the written version of the TOEFL.
    2. Scored a minimum score of 197 on the computerized version of the TOEFL.
    3. Scored a minimum score of 71 on the Internet-based version of the TOEFL.
    4. Scored a minimum score of 5.5 on the IELTS exam.
    5. Score a minimum score of 80 on the Michigan English Assessment Battery (MELAB).
  5. All international students are required to pay the GRCC Out-of-State tuition rate for the entire duration of their studies.
  6. The student must show proof of adequate financial resources for one year. Details are available in the International Student Application.
  7. GRCC requires international students to have health coverage. Students may obtain information regarding health insurance from the International Student Advisor (Primary Designated School Official).
  8. The student must attend an International Student Orientation at the beginning of the first semester of his or her enrollment at GRCC.
  9. GRCC does not assist students in finding housing in the area. Students must have housing arrangements prior to their arrival in the United States.
  10. International students who will be transferring to GRCC must have their current international advisor complete the Transfer Form.
  11. GRCC does not provide assistance in securing host families.

Academic Regulations

  1. International students must carry no fewer than 12 credit hours per semester. Taking fewer than 12 credit hours per semester is considered a violation of the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services (BCIS) regulations. To avoid penalties, international students may not withdraw from any classes without the International Student Advisor’s approval.
  2. Before international students may register for their first semester, they must take a placement test and meet with a GRCC Academic Advisor.
  3. If at the end of the first semester international students have successfully completed 12 credits, they may continue regular studies. If not, they must file for reinstatement with the BCIS and complete no less than 12 credits with a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or higher in order to continue studies at GRCC. International students who fail to meet this requirement are considered out of status and may be dismissed from the College.
  4. At GRCC, all credits earned in remedial classes are included in the 12-credits-per-semester requirement.
  5. GRCC considers international students’ enrollment as their acceptance of the preceding policies. Any irregular academic or personal behavior will be brought before the Associate Dean of Enrollment Services. The student may appeal any decision that he or she believes to be unjust. This appeal may be made to the Associate Dean.

Enrollment Procedures

International students maintain their F-1 visa status if they:

  1. Successfully complete 12 credits per semester.
  2. Maintain no less than a 2.0 grade point average.
  3. Make continuous progress toward their degree.
  4. Pay all tuition and College bills when due.
  5. Exhibit good citizenship.

The I-20 form will stay in effect through the enrollment period. It will, however, need to be endorsed no more than five days in advance of the departure date each time the student leaves the country.


(616) 234-4129

GRCC is committed to offering veteran students necessary information, helpful resources to encourage and empower academic and personal success. To receive VA educational entitlements, a veteran student must (1) be fully admitted to the college and into a VA approved curriculum, (2) apply for those entitlements, (3) meet the eligibility requirements established by the VA. It is ultimately the veteran students’ decision which benefit option is the best for them.

Veteran students may be certified for VA benefits only for courses required for their academic program and/or classes required by GRCC, and must progress at a rate that enables them to complete their program within the prescribed number of credits outlined in the GRCC catalog.

Students must notify the VA certifying official immediately regarding all schedule changes Students must report any unsatisfactory grade or risk delay and/or forfeiture of VA educational benefits.

Standards of Progress: The Veterans

Administration requires that all recipients of veteran educational benefits maintain progress toward their stated degree. Therefore, all veterans receiving benefits are subject the GRCC Academic Standing policy which includes possible probation and suspension. http://www.grcc.edu/student-records/academic-suspension

For additional information about policies and procedures visit http://www.grcc.edu/veterans

Transfer, Test and Articulation Credit

Grand Rapids Community College requires students to complete at least 15 credits of academic course work at GRCC in order to be awarded an associate’s degree. Credits may be transferred to GRCC as credit by examination or evaluation below the 400 level, according to the following guidelines: Transfer credit is awarded for courses with grades of “C-” or higher from all institutions that are recognized by the Department of Education or that are regionally or nationally accredited and listed with the Council for Higher Education Accreditation. Letter grades are not transferred and a student’s GPA is calculated only from the courses taken at GRCC.

Official transcripts received from accredited educational institutions are evaluated by the Transfer Evaluation Specialist and are evaluated against the requirements of the student’s chosen major, including the MACRAO requirements for transfer majors. If a student changes their major, they may request re-evaluation of transfer credit by contacting the Student Records Office.  Students must submit an official transcript in a sealed envelope directly to the Enrollment Center. If students have previously earned an associate’s or bachelor’s degree from another accredited educational institution, core group distribution requirements and general education requirements are posted according to their specific program plan or filed until a specific plan is identified. Credits posted to a student’s transcript are part of the student’s permanent record.

For registration purposes, official transcripts must be received from degree-seeking students four (4) to six (6) weeks prior to the opening of registration for any given semester.

Course-to-course credit is awarded when course content is substantially equivalent to that at Grand Rapids Community College. Departmental credit is awarded when courses are similar but not identical. (Example: MA 999 transferred as Math elective credit.) Although credits earned at other colleges for specific courses may be less than those required for specific GRCC courses, full course credit is awarded on these transfers, with the exception of EN 101 , EN 102 , and PS 110 . (Example: English Composition I at another college on quarters was 3 credits there and is awarded 2 here. Prior to graduation, students must complete an Independent Study in English for 1 credit.) General elective credit (ED 999) is awarded for course material completed at other accredited educational institutions which is not equivalent to any specific course at Grand Rapids Community College. Credit from institutions that are on term calendars is converted to semester credit and transferred in at 0.667% per course.

Major specific evaluations for Health and Dental courses will be evaluated by the respective departments once students attain “Ready” status. Department evaluations maybe requested for specific courses in other specialty fields as necessary and may require additional time for processing.

  • Foreign Transcripts: The above rules apply. Students are required to provide an official transcript along with a certified English translation of the transcript to one of the approved foreign accredited educational evaluation services listed on our Web page at  www.grcc.edu/studentrecords/transfercredit. Grand Rapids Community College requires a certified course-by-course evaluation from one of the approved services for consideration of transferable credit based on evaluation service recommendations including a copy of the original official transcript, and certified English translation, if not in English, submitted directly to the Enrollment Center.
  • Global Education/Study: Arrangements for Study Away organized through agencies such as American Institute of Foreign Study (AIFS), or International Studies Abroad (ISA) may qualify for transfer credit. We recommend students check with their Academic Advisor prior to their study away experience. Information regarding the International Studies Initiative is listed on our Web page at http://www.grcc.edu/departmentofexperientiallearning/introductiontothestudyawayprogram
  • Military Credit: The above rules apply. Students must submit an official transcript from the applicable branch of service directly to Student Records/Registrar for the VA Certifying Official’s evaluation. Standard transfer credit rules apply.  Students who complete basic military training may be granted up to two (2) Wellness credits.
  • AP/CLEP Test Credit: Students who have earned Advanced Placement or CLEP credit from The American College Board through their previous high school or college must request an official transcript of their test scores mailed directly to College Code 1254 (GRCC) Student Records/Registrar to be considered for transfer to GRCC. Scores must meet Grand Rapids Community College standards as listed on the Web pages below and will be posted, without fee, as AP/CLEP test credit, as noted.
  • Challenge Examinations: Challenge examinations are GRCC faculty-developed and scored tests. Course specific credit is granted for these subject-level examinations. Passing scores vary depending on specific exams. Students must have appropriate documentation and authorization sent to the Student Records Office directly from the Academic Testing Services. Limited Challenge examinations are offered at the Lakeshore Campus. Information regarding Challenge Examinations may be found on our Web site at  .

    To obtain the most recent CLEP and Challenge testing information, contact the Academic Testing Services, (616) 234-4134 or (616) 234-3413.
  • ACT PEP/DANTES/Excelsior College Examinations: Information regarding ACT PEP/DANTES/Excelsior College Examinations may be found on the following Web site: www.dantes.doded.mil/DANTES_Homepage.html. An official transcript is required to receive credit. Minimum passing scores vary by subject. For PEP or DANTES equivalencies, visit  www.grcc.edu/studentrecords/transfercredit
  • Automotive Service Excellence (ASE): The American Council on Education’s (ACE) Commission on Educational Credit and Credentials has recommended that credit be granted to those technicians who have passed ASE certification tests and have the required work experience. Additional information is available at www.grcc.edu/asecredit.
  • American Council on Education (ACE): The above rules apply. Educational credit is granted for extra-institutional learning and training programs through participating organizations, associations, businesses, government, industry, military, or union affiliations. Students who successfully complete a training course and are interested in establishing a record of their non-traditional educational accomplishment must submit the required forms, signed by the participating organization’s designated education representative, to the ACE Registry with a $25 processing fee (a one-time fee for establishing and updating the student’s record). For more information or to determine if your organization is a participating member, contact the Center for Adult Learning and Educational Credentials/Registry Office at (202) 939-9434. Upon receipt of an official ACE transcript, GRCC will award credit based upon ACE recommendations. To obtain an official transcript, students must write to:

    Center for Adult Learning & Educational Credentials
    American Council on Education
    ATTN: Registries
    One Dupont Circle, Suite 250
    Washington, DC 20036-1193
  • Child Development Associate Credential (CDA): Grand Rapids Community College recognizes the CDA Credential by the Council for Early Childhood Professional Recognition when earned through non-credit-bearing training, and by Departmental evaluation-granted credit for CD 105, Foundations of Early Childhood Education (3 credits). Students earning a CDA through credit course work should have an official transcript sent to GRCC, and transfer credits will be applied accordingly. Additional information is available on our Web site at www.grcc.edu/childdevelopment.
  • Prior Learning Assessment (PLA): Grand Rapids Community College offers credit for prior learning experiences that equate to courses taught at GRCC in the Technology area (DR, EL, ER, MN, TE, TM, TR, TI, AP, AR, EG). If you have learning experiences you feel may meet specific course objectives, please contact the Manufacturing Apprenticeship Office at (616) 234-3670 for more information or visit http://www.grcc.edu/academictestingservices/priorlearningassessmentpla.


(616) 234-3299

Articulation is a process where students may earn college credits for certain courses they take in high school or in non-credit GRCC courses. It provides an opportunity for high school or non-credit GRCC courses and community college courses to blend–granting equivalent college credit to students for achieving specific outcomes in identified courses within their school district.

Students who successfully complete “articulated” career and technical education programs in secondary schools or GRCC non-credit programs that have a signed articulation agreement with Grand Rapids Community College are granted college credit for specific courses, should they decide to continue their education at Grand Rapids Community College. The amount of advanced standing credit available will depend on the specific program involved. The high school instructor or GRCC non-credit program instructor must evaluate the student, complete all forms and send the information to Grand Rapids Community College. Application for credits must be made within two years of high school graduation or GRCC non-credit program. If a student is transferring to another college after attending Grand Rapids Community College, the student should check with the transfer college to see if the credits are eligible to transfer.

For more information and to view articulation agreements, please visit the at www.grcc.edu/articulation.

Academic Advising and Counseling

Counseling and Career Center
(616) 234-3900
Room 327, Student Center

Professionally trained and licensed counselors are available to assist students with academic advising, career counseling and personal counseling issues. While attending college, students must make many important decisions regarding courses, program selection, and choice of career.

The Counseling and Career Center assists students in achieving academic, career, and personal success. Services are confidential and free of charge to GRCC students. Appointments must be made in advance. Walk-in services are designed to answer academic questions taking 10 minutes or less and can result in longer wait times during peak times.

  • Academic Advising
    Students should meet with a counselor or advisor during their first semester and are encouraged to meet at least annually to review their academic plan. At the initial meeting, counselors and faculty advisors are available to help students understand course placement and to help plan their academic programs. Students are responsible for their academic decisions. Examples of these decisions include but are not limited to the following: exploring possible majors, degrees, and programs of study; and meeting course prerequisites and admission requirements of selected programs. In addition, students desiring to transfer credits to another institution are responsible for verifying transferability. Students must complete a change of major form (found on the website) if they have chosen to change their major.Students changing into or out of a Health curriculum code must contact the Health Admissions Office, (616) 234-4348.
  • First-Year Experience
    The First-Year Experience program at Grand Rapids Community College is designed to provide the services and programs new students need in order to be successful. The GRCC First-Year Experience program is designed to help incoming students maximize the first year by offering workshops, lectures, and a two-credit course, College Learning Studies (CLS 100) . CLS 100 is designed to assist new students with the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to be successful in college. This course is highly recommended to all new students at GRCC and beginning Winter 2014 will be mandatory. See  www.grcc.edu/fye for more information.
  • Career Counseling
    Career counseling helps students relate their academic pursuits and personal interests to career goals and objectives. This service provides an opportunity for students to explore various careers through the use of career assessment, library materials, workshops, multimedia and online resources, and career referrals.

The Counseling & Career Center is the GRCC Career Pathways contact/resource site, which provides information, resources and assistance related to career pathway efforts. GRCC uses the six career pathways identified by the State of Michigan. The State of Michigan identifies Career Pathways as broad groupings or “clusters” of work areas that share similar characteristics and whose employment requirements call for many common interests, strengths and competencies. Career Pathways provide a useful framework to aid students and prospective students in making meaningful connections to the world of work. To learn about Grand Rapids Community College curriculum/pathway connections, related occupations and much more, visit the Career Development Web site at www.grcc.edu/careerresources and select Career Pathways, or contact Career Development Services.

  • Personal Counseling
    Limited, short-term personal counseling is available to assist students in resolving personal issues that may interfere with their academic progress.

Disability and Occupational Support Programs

Room 368, Student Center

Grand Rapids Community College administers programs to provide academic assistance to students who meet certain eligibility requirements:

  • Disability Support Services
    (616) 234-4140
    This office provides accommodations and support to students with disabilities. Arrangements for personal care services are the responsibility of the student (see Regulation 35.135 of the Americans with Disabilities Act).
  • Occupational Support Program
    (616) 234-4155
    This program provides special services and support for students in occupational curricula who are disabled, economically disadvantaged, single parents, displaced homemakers, or who use English as a second language. Students involved in non-traditional training and employment are also eligible for the program services.

TRiO Programs

Room 368, Student Center

TRiO Programs promote educational opportunities for low-income, first-generation students and encourage them to enter college, transfer and graduate. TRiO Programs are federally funded by the U.S. Department of Education.

  • Student Support Services Program
    (616) 234-3545
    Student Support Services (SSS) is a federally funded program that provides opportunities for academic development, assists students with basic college requirements, and serves to motivate students toward the successful completion of their post-secondary education. The SSS program may also provide grant aid to current SSS participants who are receiving Federal Pell Grants. To receive assistance, students must be enrolled or accepted for enrollment at Grand Rapids Community College in a degree-seeking program. Low-income students who are first-generation (neither parent graduated from a four-year college/university) and are in need of academic support are eligible to participate in SSS.
  • Upward Bound Program
    (616) 234-4150
    This pre-college program is designed for low-income and first generation college students who attend Creston or Ottawa Hills High School. The program assists students in building academic skills needed to successfully pursue post-secondary education or training. The program emphasizes skills in reading, writing, math, and science and provides tutoring to students experiencing difficulties. Upward Bound students also have the opportunity to attend a summer residential academic experience where they participate in various enrichment activities, college visitations, and student leadership conferences.

Academic Testing Services

(616) 234-3413
Room 325, Student Center

The Academic Testing Service is available to students who wish to earn credit by examination or have other assessment needs.

  • Testing Services
    Academic Testing Services provide testing services for GRCC students and the community at large. We offer a variety of tests from College Level Examination Programs (CLEP) and Challenge exams for college credit, to professional certification exams for the business community. We also offer Online and special proctored exams for students from other colleges. Disability Support Services (DSS) Testing provides reasonable and effective testing accommodations. You must be registered with Disability Support Services for qualify to testing accommodations.

Academic Tutoring/Academic Support Center 

(616) 234-4145
2nd Floor, Learning Center

  • Tutoring
    Enthusiastic and encouraging faculty and staff will provide students with academic support. All current GRCC students are welcome, and all of the services are free. We offer a variety of tutorial support to help you become a better learner and to help you achieve your academic and personal goals here at GRCC. The following subject-centered tutorial labs are available on a walk-in basis: Biology; Mathematics; Health; Advanced Math, Physics, and Chemistry; Writing and Language; Business and Accounting; Computers; and Auto CAD/Pro-E/Mechanical Desktop. Locations of the various labs are listed in the Tutorial Labs section. In addition to tutoring and support, all the tutorial labs offer open computing for all GRCC students. If you have questions about our services or want to know more information about anything you see here, please feel free to contact us via the information below, or visit the tutoring office.
  • Tutorial Labs
    Many subject-centered tutorial labs are available to GRCC students on a walk-in basis. Professional and student tutors assist students in completing homework assignments, and they answer questions about class lectures or readings assigned in textbooks. A list of the various tutorial labs and locations follows.
Lab Location  
Calculus and Physical Sciences Tutorial Lab 1st Floor CSC  
ATC Open Computer Center 2nd FloorATC  
Mechanical & Architectural Design CAD Lab 2nd Floor ATC  
Biology Learning Center 1st Floor CSC  
Business/Accounting Tutorial Lab 2nd Floor Cook  
Language Arts Computer Lab 5th Floor Cook  
Language Arts Tutorial Lab 5th Floor Cook  
Health Sciences Resource and Learning Lab 4th  Floor Cook  
Mathematics Computer Lab 1st Floor Cook  
Mathematics Tutorial Lab 1st Floor Cook  
Science Computer Lab 1st Floor CSC  
Sneden Hall Computer Lab 2nd Floor Sneden  

Tuition and Fees

Tuition & Residency

Educational costs at Grand Rapids Community College are shared by students and the taxpayers of the State of Michigan. Property taxes paid by residents of the Kent Intermediate School District (KISD) and state taxes paid by Michigan residents supplement student tuition. Therefore, different tuition rates exist for students who legally reside (1) in the KISD, (2) outside the KISD but within Michigan, and (3) outside the State of Michigan.

A student’s residency classification is established at the time of application for admission to Grand Rapids Community College. The information provided by the student on the Admissions Application is used to determine his/her residency status. It is the responsibility of the student to know his/her residency status and to understand the College’s residency policy. Residency status and policy questions should be addressed to the GRCC Cashier’s Office.

No student will be admitted to classes unless all tuition and fees have been paid. Exceptions will be made only in such instances where necessary arrangements have been made with the Associate Director of the Cashier’s Office.

For payment of tuition and fees, the College will accept cash, check and credit card (MasterCard/Visa/American Express/Discover Card).

FACTS Payment Plan

Monthly payment plans are available through Nelnet Business Solutions. Students may register at www.grcc.edu. Students must enroll each semester for the FACTS Payment Plan. If a student does not pay his or her FACTS agreement in full by the last due date, the student will not be eligible to use the program again for one full year from the time he or she pays the account in full.

Payment Schedule

Please refer to www.grcc.edu/tuition due dates for current semester payment schedule.

Residency Definitions

Legal Residence

The permanent, primary residence where a person intends to return whenever absent from college. (Note:  College owned housing is not considered permanent, primary residence.)

Resident Status

A student who has been a resident of the Kent Intermediate School District (KISD) for at least six consecutive months.


A student who lives with his/her parents and/or legal guardian and they own or lease the home within the boundaries of the KISD.

Non-Resident Status

A student who has been a resident of the State of Michigan for at least six consecutive months but does not meet the definition of Resident Status.

Out-of-State Status

A student who does not meet the definitions of Resident or Non-Resident Status.


A student who temporary entry permission (for example, a Student Visa, Au Pair).

Residency Review

Students who believe their residency status has changed or is incorrect may request a review of their records by submitting a Residency Review Form to the GRCC Cashier’s Office along with acceptable documentation.  A Residency Review Form can also be obtained in the Cashier’s Office, Room 154 Main Building. 

The Residency Review form must be received in the Cashier’s Office prior to the start date of the semester for which the change is being requested. Requests received after the semester start date will be considered for the following semester and will not be considered for previous semesters.

Acceptable Documentation

The College will accept as proof of legal residency a valid driver’s license or State of Michigan ID with a dated change of address affixed to the back (if applicable) plus one of the following:

  1. A dated voter registration card
  2. A dated lease agreement
  3. Proof of purchase (copy of Buy-Sell Agreement) of home for residence within the KISD
  4. Utility bills with the student’s name and address for each of the six months and dated not less than six months
  5. Verifiable rent receipts. If rent receipts are not available, a notarized letter from the landlord will be accepted. Verifiable rent receipts must contain all the following information:
    1. The address of the property being rented.
    2. The date of each payment.
    3. Signature, address, and phone number of the landlord.

In all cases, the start date of establishing residency must be six months prior to the start date of the semester for which the change is being requested.

For Acceptable Documentation go to: www.grcc.edu/cashier/residencyinformation

Residency Audit

Grand Rapids Community College will regularly perform verification of residency information. Students who have misrepresented information or have falsified documents will be subject to disciplinary action.

Tuition Rates

At the time of publication, the tuition and fee rates for the current academic year were not yet approved by the GRCC Board of Trustees. Please refer to www.grcc.edu/tuition for the most current tuition and fee information.


(Fees are subject to change any time during the academic year.)

For a detailed listing of Fees go to: www. grcc.edu/tuition

Refund Policy

See www.grcc.edu/payments&refunds

Financial Aid

616) 234-4030

The GRCC Financial Aid Office staff assists eligible students in obtaining financial resources to pay the educational costs of attending college. The College supports the concept that the student and his/her parent(s) or spouse have the primary responsibility of providing financial resources for education. Students who believe their financial resources to be insufficient should apply for financial aid by submitting a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or Federal Renewal Application to the Federal Processing Center, requesting that GRCC receive their application information. The Federal Processor will provide the student with a Student Aid Report (SAR) and will electronically send the SAR data to the GRCC Financial Aid Office. The amount of aid offered will be determined by the information on the SAR as well as by the availability of funds.

Student Eligibility—General Requirements

Many policies regarding financial aid eligibility and processing are currently under review by both the United States Department of Education and GRCC. Refer to the GRCC Financial Aid web page for the latest information.

To be considered for financial aid (other than scholarships), a student must meet all of the following requirements:

  • Demonstrate financial need
  • Be a U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen
  • Be enrolled as a degree/certificate-seeking student or be preparing to transfer
  • Maintain satisfactory academic progress
  • Be registered with Selective Service (if applicable)
  • Not be in default of a federal student loan or owe a repayment of a federal grant
  • Possess a high school diploma or GED.

To assist students in successfully passing the College assessment test, students are encouraged to enroll in a GED preparatory program with their local school district. Contact a Learning Corner for more information regarding these programs.

Financial Aid Application Deadline

Students are encouraged to apply for financial aid by early February to ensure best consideration. A student must have a complete, correct financial aid file in the Financial Aid Office on July 15, to be awarded aid for tuition payment prior to the start of Fall classes. Files completed after this date will be considered “late” and will be processed in the order of their receipt. Students with “late” financial aid files should plan to pay their tuition and fees with their own funds at the time they become due. Information and applications for grants, scholarships, employment programs, and loans should be addressed to:

Financial Aid Office
Grand Rapids Community College
143 Bostwick Avenue NE
Grand Rapids, MI 49503-3295

Financial Aid Programs

At GRCC a broad range of financial aid resources is available to students. By combining federal, state, College and community-based resources, the Financial Aid Office staff will design a financial aid package to meet the student’s financial need as established by the SAR. The financial aid resources include scholarships, grants, on-campus employment and loans. Students must repay loans; but scholarships, grants and employment are considered gifts or earnings and need not be repaid.

  1. Programs not based on need – Each program requires different application procedures. Eligibility is determined jointly by the Financial Aid Office and the agency or department funding the program.
  2. Programs based on need – Students are required to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Eligibility is determined by the FAFSA data and the Financial Aid Office. Continued eligibility is based upon the student’s academic progress and the FAFSA data for the new year.
  3. Special programs – These require students to apply directly to the agency or department responsible for determining eligibility and funding.

Programs Not Based on Need

GRCC Foundation Scholarships – The GRCC Foundation awarded $609,565 to over 734 students in the 2012-2013 academic year. Most of the scholarships awarded by the Foundation are based upon academic ability; some are based upon financial need. Students are encouraged to apply for scholarships regardless of their current academic record. Applications for Foundation scholarships awarded from the Financial Aid Office are available from the Financial Aid Office beginning in January and are due by March 15. Applications for Foundation scholarships awarded by someone outside the Financial Aid Office can be obtained by calling the contact person listed in the scholarship booklet. Booklets can be accessed at www.grcc.edu/money.

Outside Scholarships – Scholarship announcements sent to the Financial Aid Office from civic organizations, foundations and private sources are posted outside the Financial Aid Office. More information can be obtained on the Internet at www.finaid.org.

Transfer Scholarships – Graduate transfer scholarships are awarded by the respective colleges and universities on the basis of financial need and/or academic achievement. Transfer scholarships available to GRCC students are posted outside the Financial Aid Office from November through April.

Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan Program – The unsubsidized loan is not based on need. Eligibility is determined by taking the cost of attending GRCC and subtracting any financial aid the student has been awarded. Under the Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan Program, however, the student must pay the interest on the loan while enrolled in school, during the grace period, and during any periods of deferment or repayment. Students may defer the interest payments and allow them to be capitalized on their principal. Students selecting this option should be aware that their loan principal will increase based on the amount of that unpaid interest. Repayment of the loan principal begins six months after the student stops attending college at least half-time. To be considered for this loan, students must first complete the FAFSA, listing GRCC to receive the form. Students need to complete entrance counseling, and a Master Promissory Note, at www.studentloans.gov.

Loan terms, sample repayment schedules, and entrance and exit counseling information can be obtained from the Financial Aid Office.

Additional Unsubsidized Loans for Independent Students – Independent students will be offered additional amounts under the Direct Loan Program.

PLUS Loans (Parent Loans) – Parents can apply for a PLUS Loan to help pay your education expenses if you are a dependent undergraduate student enrolled at least half time in an eligible program and have filed a FAFSA. PLUS Loans are available through the Federal Direct Loan Program. For a Direct PLUS Loan, parents must have an acceptable credit history and complete a Direct PLUS Loan application and promissory note at www.grcc.edu/financialaid.

Also, parents generally will be required to pass a credit check. Those who don’t pass the credit check might still be able to receive a loan if someone, such as a relative or friend who is able to pass the credit check, agrees to endorse the loan. An endorser promises to repay the loan if the parents fail to do so. Parents might also qualify for a loan without passing the credit check if they can demonstrate that extenuating circumstances exist. You and your parents must also meet other general eligibility requirements for federal student financial aid.

Programs Based on Need

Federal Pell Grant – This program is the main source of federal financial aid funds, awarding up to $5,645 in 2013-2014. Students who are eligible to receive a Pell Grant will be notified directly by the federal government. To apply for a Pell Grant, the student must submit a FAFSA and request that GRCC receive the application. The student will then receive a notification from the Financial Aid Office regarding eligibility for the Pell Grant. The exact amount of the grant is determined from a payment schedule published by the U.S. Department of Education.

Federal Supplement Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG) – These federal grants, ranging from $100 to $1,000, are awarded to students of exceptional financial need who, without the grant, would be unable to continue their education. No specific grade point average is required for renewal. However, students must be making satisfactory academic progress to remain eligible and must apply for financial aid before funds are exhausted. Priority is given to students who qualify for the Pell Grant program.

Special Populations Tuition Reimbursement Grant – These grants are available to students who are enrolled in occupational curriculums, show financial need, and meet other Special Populations requirements. Students must submit a FAFSA and contact the GRCC Program Director of Occupational and Disability Support for application materials.

Federal College Work Study Program – This program provides part-time jobs to students on campus. Students must be enrolled at least half-time and submit a FAFSA to be considered for work study. After an award is made, the student must contact the Job Placement Office for available job opportunities.

Federal Direct Subsidized Loans – With a subsidized loan, the government will pay the loan interest during in-school enrollment periods. Qualifying for the subsidized loan is determined from the FAFSA. Students need to complete entrance counseling and a Promissory Note at www.studentloans.gov. Loan limits are $5,500 for the freshman year and $6,500 for the sophomore year.

The Federal Direct Loan program is heavily regulated and has specific requirements that must been met before the student can receive a loan disbursement. Loan funds cannot be utilized until all necessary documents have been received and the student is registered for at least six credit hours. To use a Federal Direct Loan to help pay for Fall semester tuition, the student must complete all necessary documents before the tuition deadline.

Special Programs

Tuition Incentive Program (TIP) – This Michigan program is designed to encourage high school students to graduate and go to college. Students must apply for TIP prior to their high school graduation, and the Family Independence Agency determines eligibility. TIP will pay 24 hours of tuition each academic year and some fees for students who don’t live in a different community college district. TIP eligibility expires four years after the student graduates from high school or earns 80 credit hours (whichever comes first).

Native American Tuition Waiver – The State of Michigan has provided funds which permit tuition waivers for all Native Americans who can certify 25 percent or more Indian blood. Students should contact the Michigan Civil Rights Department for application materials. They must also pay their required fees and be enrolled in a degree/certificate program.

Method of Payment

Students who have been awarded grants, scholarships, and/or Federal Direct Student Loans will have their awards credited to their account. Any remaining funds up to $800.00 will be transferred to the GRCC Bookstore one week prior to the beginning of each semester and will remain on the Bookstore account through the first week of school. Any funds remaining after the Bookstore charges have been deducted will be available to students after confirmation of participation in classes.

Frequency of Financial Aid Payments

All financial aid payments will be applied on a semester of enrollment basis.

Calculation of Financial Need

GRCC is a commuter college with no dormitory facilities; therefore, the college has no charges for room or board. However, for the calculation of financial need only, the College uses reasonable Room/Board, Books/Personal and Transportation figures established by the Michigan Department of Education.

The figures for 2013-2014 were:

Room/Board $4,128  
Books/Personal $1,692  
Transportation $1,670  

These figures are used solely for determining financial aid and are not charges billed to the student.

Federal Return of Funds

Federal financial aid recipients who withdraw from all their classes prior to the end of a pyament period or period of enrollment or fail to earn a passing grade in any class during a semester are subject to the Federal Return of Funds Policy. This policy determines the amount of federal aid students earn based on the amount of time they were enrolled for the semester. Federal aid will be reduced and students will be required to repay both the federal financial aid programs and GRCC for the amounts returned to the programs. Students who fail to make arrangements to repay the programs within 45 days of notification will be reported as over payments to the U.S. Department of Education. Students in overpayment are ineligible for future financial aid at any institution.

Examples of completed forms for the Federal Return of Funds calculation are available in the GRCC Financial Aid and Cashier’s Offices. Students are encouraged to review these examples prior to withdrawing from classes.

Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress

Receiving Financial Aid

This policy is available to review at www.grcc.edu/SAP-Policy

Federal regulations require students to make satisfactory academic progress toward the completion of a certificate or an associate’s degree to be eligible for continued financial aid. Satisfactory Academic Progress will be reviewed at the end of each semester.


Grand Rapids Community College (GRCC) offers a variety of options for registration. The most current open class sections are available on the Web at www.grcc.edu.

The college year is composed of two semesters and summer sessions. Units of academic study are recorded in credit-hours.

  1. Web-based registration is available 24-hours a day, seven days a week, at www.grcc.edu. Assistance with Web registration is available at computer labs across campus and at the Student Technology Help Desk at (616) 234-3123.
  2. Students may register in person at the Admissions and Enrollment Center, first floor, Main Building.
  3. Students may register in person at the Lakeshore Campus.

Cancelled Classes–Notification

When the College no longer offers a class for which a student has registered, a communication will be sent with notification about the cancellation. In most cases, recommendations will be made about an alternate choice.

Cancelled Class–Additional Information

Grand Rapids Community College recognizes its obligation to provide high-quality learning experiences for the purpose of achieving the learning outcomes in each course. In the event that a class in cancelled due to circumstances beyond the control of the College, those learning outcomes will be accomplished through the discretionary adjustments made by the faculty member assigned to the class.

Adding Classes

A student may add a class if there is room in it as long as the class has not met twice. There may be additional restrictions at the discretion of the College. Please note that regular attendance including the first session is extremely important to succeed in class.

Withdrawing from Classes

It is the student’s responsibility to go through the process of withdrawing from a class they are no longer intending to take.  For additional information, refer to Grading Policy – Withdrawal Process in the catalog.

Returning Students

Students already enrolled in classes at the College will register during the latter part of each semester. Final registration for both new and returning students will occur on the dates designated in the Academic Calendar.

Minimum Class Enrollment

Grand Rapids Community College reserves the right to cancel any class in which too few students enroll.

Transcript Requests

Students desiring transcripts of their permanent record should file a Transcript Request form, available at the Enrollment Center or online at www.grcc.edu; or they may write to Student Records – Office of the Registrar giving dates of attendance, Social Security number or student ID number, date of graduation, all names under which they may have enrolled, and the student’s signature. All requests should be made two weeks in advance of the time they are needed.

Name Changes

A student name can be changed with a State driver’s license OR Federal I.D. Student workers must do this at the Payroll Office; employees at Human Resources. Students receiving a diploma or certificate may only use only legal name or variation thereof in accordance with State and Federal regulations.

Associate’s Degrees, Certificates, and Programs

Grand Rapids Community College offers the choice of nine degrees and certificates:

  • Associate of Arts (A.A.)
  • Associate of Science (A.S.)
  • Associate of Applied Arts & Sciences (A.A.A.S.)
  • Associate of Business (A.B.)
  • Associate of Nursing (A.N.)
  • Associate of Fine Arts (A.F.A.)
  • Associate of Music (A.M.)
  • Associate of General Studies (A.G.S.)
  • Certificate


The Associate of Arts (A.A.) degree is designed for students who plan to transfer to a college or university as a junior to complete a bachelor’s degree. The A.A. degree allows students to select specific courses that are equivalent to those offered in the freshman and sophomore years at four-year institutions. Bachelor’s degree majors may have specific admission requirements or require particular courses be taken as part of the A.A. degree, both within general education and electives. Understanding and meeting these requirements allows students to enter an identified major at a college or university. With careful planning, students who earn an A.A. degree from GRCC may meet the majority or all general education and pre-requisite requirements for the major in which they intend to transfer. The specific courses that may be taken to meet these requirements are listed under Group Distribution Requirements.


The Associate of Science (A.S.) degree is designed for students who plan to transfer to a college or university as a junior to complete a Bachelor’s degree in a science or mathematics related discipline or field. The A.S. degree allows students to select specific courses that are equivalent to those offered in the freshman and sophomore years at four-year institutions. Bachelor’s degree programs may have specific admission requirements or require particular courses be taken as part of the A.S. degree, both within general education and electives. Understanding and meeting these requirements will allow students to enter an identified major at a college or university. With careful planning, students who earn an A.S. degree from GRCC may meet the majority or all general education and pre-requisite requirements for the major in which they intend to transfer. The specific courses that may be taken to meet these requirements, including the course sequences for Natural Sciences and Mathematics are listed in the Group Distribution Requirements.


This degree is designed to prepare students to transfer to colleges or universities to pursue a Bachelor of Fine Arts. Bachelor’s degree majors may have specific admission requirements or require particular courses be taken as part of the A.F.A. degree, both within general education and electives. Understanding and meeting these requirements will allow students to enter an identified major at a college or university. With careful planning, students who earn an A.F.A. degree from GRCC may meet the majority or all general education and pre-requisite requirements for the major in which they intend to transfer.


This degree is designed to prepare students for entry level positions in the music field or to prepare students to transfer to colleges or universities to pursue a Bachelor’s of Music, Bachelor’s of Music Eduction, or another performance related degree, thus requiring significant music performance credits. Bachelor’s degree majors may have specific admission requirements or require particular courses be taken as part of the A.M. degree, both within general education and electives. Understanding and meeting these requirements will allow students to enter an identified major at a college or university. With careful planning, students who earn an A.M. degree from GRCC may meet the majority or all general education and pre-requisite requirements for the major in which they intend to transfer.


The Associate of Applied Arts and Sciences (A.A.A.S.) degree is designed for students who are interested in preparing for a career that does not necessarily require a Bachelor’s degree. Earning an A.A.A.S. degree prepares students to enter the workforce upon graduation. If a student chooses to return to a college or university to continue their education, they may have to take additional coursework at the freshman or sophomore level.


The Associate of Business (A.B.) degree is designed to prepare students for entry level positions in the business field. Earning an A.B. degree prepares students to enter the workforce upon graduation. If a student chooses to return to a college or university to continue their education, they may have to take additional coursework at the freshman or sophomore level.


This degree is designed to prepare students to qualify to take the NCLEX-RN examination to become registered nurses. To graduate with an A.N. degree, students must complete the coursework outlined in catalog, which includes the specific courses for the program.


This degree is designed for students who wish to earn an associate degree without following a specific program.


This credential is designed to prepare students with specific knowledge and skills necessary to enter a career, continue employment, or prepare for transfer to a college or university.


Graduation Requirements

Grand Rapids Community College, like most other colleges and universities across the country, sets its own graduation requirements. The responsibility for fulfilling these requirements is the student’s. It is therefore imperative that students familiarize themselves with the requirements.

Students must fulfill the general requirements regardless of the program they are in. A second set of requirements, referred to as the Group Distribution requirements, is distributed over the subject areas of humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and mathematics.

Students must meet both sets of requirements to graduate with an associate’s degree from GRCC.

Students who intend to transfer to four-year colleges or universities to pursue a bachelor’s degree must also know the requirements of the institution to which they plan to transfer. Satisfying GRCC requirements does not necessarily fulfill the requirements of the other institution. Proper planning makes it possible to satisfy GRCC requirements as well as those of the transfer institution.

Since some GRCC classes are not intended for transfer credit and since each senior college or university decides which courses it will accept for transfer credit, it must not be presumed that a student who has been awarded the Associate in Arts degree from GRCC will always be given junior status at the four-year college or university.

Associate’s Degree and Certificate Graduation Requirements

The description and requirements for each degree and certificate are as follows:

Associate in Applied Arts and Sciences (A.A.A.S.)

Upon graduating with this degree, students are prepared for employment in a specific career field. To graduate with an A.A.A.S. degree, students must complete the coursework outlined in the GRCC catalog for the program in which they are enrolled, which includes courses in two areas: specialized program-specific courses and general education.

Associate in Arts (A.A.)

Upon graduating with this degree, students are prepared to transfer to a college or university to pursue a Bachelor’s degree. Students earning this degree fulfill MACRAO requirements. To graduate with an A.A. degree, students must complete a minimum of 60 college-level credit hours, which includes 31 credits of general education and 29 credit hours of electives. The specific A.A. general education requirements are as follows:

  • English Composition - 6 credit hours
  • Humanities - 8 credit hours from two or more disciplines
  • Social Science - 8 credit hours from two or more disciplines (must include PS 110)
  • Natural Sciences and Mathematics – 8 credit hours from two or more disciplines, one of which must be a laboratory science
  • Wellness - 1 credit hour

Associate in Business (A.B.)

Upon graduating with this degree students are prepared for entry level positions in the business field. To graduate with an A.B. degree, students must complete the coursework outlined in GRCC catalog for the program in which they are enrolled, which includes courses in two areas: specialized program-specific courses and general education.

Associate of Fine Arts (A.F.A)

Upon graduating with this degree students are prepared to transfer to a college or university to pursue a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree. To graduate with an A.F.A. degree, students must complete the coursework outlined in the GRCC catalog for the program in which they are enrolled, which includes courses in two areas: specialized program-specific courses and general education.

Associate in General Studies (A.G.S.)

Upon graduating with this degree students have earned the associate degree credential. To graduate with an A.G.S. degree, students must complete a minimum of 60 college-level credit hours, which must include 15 credits of general education and 45 credit hours of electives. The specific A.G.S. general education requirements are as follows:

  • English Composition - 6 credit hours
  • Humanities - 1 course
  • Social Science – PS 110
  • Natural Sciences and Mathematics - 1 course
  • Wellness - 1 credit hour

Associate in Music (A.M.)

Upon graduating with this degree, students are prepared for entry level positions in the music field or to transfer to a college or university to pursue a Bachelor of Music, Bachelors of Music Education or another performance related degree. To graduate with an A.M. degree, students must complete the coursework outlined in the GRCC catalog for the program in which they are enrolled, which includes courses in two areas: specialized program-specific courses and general education.

Associate in Nursing (A.N.)

Upon graduating with this degree, students are qualified to take the NCLEX-RN examination to become registered nurses. To graduate with an A.N. degree, students must complete the coursework outlined in the GRCC catalog, which includes the specific courses for the program.

Associate in Science (A.S.)

 Upon graduating with this degree, students are prepared to transfer to a college or university to pursue a Bachelor’s degree in a science or mathematics related field. Students earning this degree fulfill MACRAO requirements. To graduate with an A.S. degree, students must complete a minimum of 60 college-level credit hours, which includes 31 credits of general education and 29 credit hours of electives. The specific A.S. general education requirements are as follows:

  • English Composition - 6 credit hours
  • Humanities - 8 credit hours from two or more disciplines
  • Social Science - 8 credit hours from two or more disciplines (must include PS 110)
  • Natural Sciences and Mathematics - 20 credit hours from two or more disciplines, including two two-semester course sequences taken from a minimum of two disciplines, one of which must be a laboratory science
  • Wellness - 1 credit hour


Upon graduating with a certificate, students are prepared to enter a career or have acquired the additional knowledge or skills necessary to continue employment. To graduate with a certificate, students must complete the coursework outlined in the GRCC catalog for the program in which they are enrolled.

Multiple Degrees

The college recognizes that there are instances where students may require additional degrees for employment or for personal growth and satisfaction.  Multiple degrees may be granted when requirements in this section are met.

  1. Students may earn only one transfer degree (Associate of Arts and Associate of Science).
  2. The Associate of General Studies degree may not be earned as an additional degree.
  3. Subsequent associate degree(s) must each include a minimum of an additional 15 unique semester credit hours earned at GRCC.
  4. Degree and program requirements for the additional degree will be based on the catalog that is in effect when the student officially elects the new degree and/or program.
  5. No additional degree will be granted in the same program or curriculum in which the first degree was earned.

A candidate for graduation who has maintained continuous enrollment may follow, insofar as possible, the requirements listed for the desired degree in the College Catalog in effect the year this student entered the College. Any deviation from this rule must be approved in writing by the appropriate Dean.

General Requirements/Group Distribution Requirements

Students preparing to graduate should apply to graduate with Student Records Office of the Registrar in the semester before they plan to graduate. The student must initiate the Graduation Audit process. For more information on the process and commencement go to www.grcc.edu/student-records/graduation.

To be awarded an associate’s degree at Grand Rapids Community College, students must:

  • Have completed at least 60 credits of course work.
  • No courses below 100 level will be used toward graduation requirements, including the minimum number of credits that need to be completed.
  • Have completed at least 15 credits of course work at GRCC.
  • Have completed 15 of the last 30 credits for the program at GRCC (unless graduating from a consortium program).
  • Have earned a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0 in all course work completed at GRCC.
  • Have earned at least one Wellness (WE) credit.  A maximum of two Wellness credits may be applied towards any degree, unless they are specified as a program requirement.
  • Have earned credit for PS 110 .
  • Have earned at least six credits of English composition if seeking the A.A., A.S., A.F.A., A.M., A.N., and A.G.S degrees.
  • Have earned credit for the appropriate general education Group Distribution Requirements or the degree they are seeking (see below).


Group Distribution and Wellness Requirement


Group I – Humanities:

Group II – Social Sciences:

Group III – Natural Sciences and Mathematics:

Note: Courses identified as “non-lab” cannot be used to satisfy “laboratory science” requirements. Check Course Descriptions for additional lab and non-lab options.

Non-lab Courses:

Lab Courses:

Wellness Requirement

1 WE required, maximum of 2 WE credits within 60 degree credits

Approved Associate in Science Requirements

Natural Sciences Course Sequences

  • A minimum of twenty (20) credit hours, including two 2-semester course sequences taken from two different subject areas, one of which must be a laboratory science course.

Biology Course Sequences

For a biology major sequence, BI 151 and BI 152 are required for most transfer institutions.


Mathematics Course Sequences

Physical Science Course Sequences

Institutional Learning Outcomes

Grand Rapids Community College has established four broad areas of skills, knowledge and competencies as its Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILOs). Institutional Learning Outcomes are those skills and competencies which are embedded within every aspect of the college to inspire and enhance each student’s transferable learning skills. The ILOs represent the broad categories of competence that enable students to be successful in further education, in careers, as citizens, and in their personal lives. Student achievement of ILOs is assessed within their courses and co-curricular experiences. The results of those assessments are used to improve the learning experience at GRCC.

The Institutional Learning Outcomes are:

  1. Communication Skills – Students will effectively express and exchange ideas through listening, reading, speaking, writing, and other modes of interpersonal expression.
  2. Critical Thinking Skills – Students will be able to gather and synthesize relevant information, evaluate alternatives, and implement creative and effective solutions.
  3. Social Responsibility Skills – Students will be prepared to practice community engagement that addresses environmental responsibility, social justice, and cultural diversity.
  4. Personal Responsibility Skills – Students will become independent learners who understand and express the lifelong skills necessary for physical, social, economic, mental, and emotional health.

MACRAO Agreement

The Michigan Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (MACRAO) promotes an agreement to facilitate the transfer of students from community colleges to senior colleges and universities. The intent of the agreement is to ensure a common understanding and agreement among signatory institutions as to general education requirements.

The agreement provides that a student who meets the course and unit requirements (see following list) at GRCC and who is accepted as a transfer student by a signatory senior college or university is not required to pursue further freshman or sophomore-level general education requirements at the signatory four-year college or university. At least 15 credits must be earned from GRCC.  For more information please see www.grcc.edu/macrao.

Requirements for the MACRAO agreement:

  1. English Composition
2. Humanities
3. Social Science
4. Science* and Mathematics

* At least one of the science courses must be a laboratory course.