Mar 31, 2025  
2013-2014 Catalog-EXPIRED 

Campus Resources


(616) 234-3880

The GRCC Bookstore is located on the 1st floor of the Student Center at 122 Lyon Street, NE. Visit the GRCC Bookstore at for current hours, featured products and textbook information/ordering.

Textbook buyback happens every business day at the GRCC Bookstore; stop in for details.

E-Mail for Students

Computer accounts are available to all GRCC students. A GRCC computer account will provide the student with e-mail and access to the Internet, allowing him or her to send and receive e-mail and use the Internet as a research tool. Interested students may sign up at any GRCC computer lab. Students must be registered for at least one credit hour to be eligible for this service.

Instructional Labs

  • Art
  • Biological Sciences
    Anatomy and Physiology
  • Business
    Computerized Accounting
    Fashion (Textiles)
    Interior Design
    Word Processing/Keyboarding
  • Computer Information Systems
    General Applications
    Microcomputers: IBM, Macintosh
  • Culinary Education
    Bakery/Pastry Kitchens
    Banquet Rooms
    Beverage Management
    Deli-Bakery (Art and Bev’s)
    Demonstration Kitchen
    Dining Rooms (The Heritage Restaurant)
    Hospitality Lending Library
    Production Kitchens
    Sugar/Chocolate Kitchen
  • Engineering
  • Health
    Dental Programs
    Health Programs (Activity Lab)
    Laboratory Pre-School (Child Care)
    Nursing Programs
    Occupational Therapy Assistant Programs
    Radiologic Technology Program
  • Language Arts
    Computer Laboratory
    Language Learning
    Reading-Writing Lab
  • Library and Learning Commons
    General Applications
    Access to GRCC-Licensed Databases
  • Music
    Digital Music Processing Workstations
    Electronic Pianos
    Recording Studio and Recording Lab Workstations
  • Physical Sciences
  • Photography Darkroom and Studios
  • Criminal Justice
    Law Enforcement (Police Academy)
  • Reading
  • Technology
    Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration
    Automotive Technology
    Computer Aided Design (CAD)
    Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM)
    Computer Numerical Control (CNC)
    Computer Technology and Repair
    Plastics and Injection Molding
  • Job Training
    Auto Mechanics
    Computer Applications
    Construction Trades
    Machine Tool Operation

Student Employment Services

(616) 234-4170
Room 103, Main Building

Student Employment Services (SES) offers a variety of employment related services to our current students and alumni. For more details, please visit:

Library and Learning Commons

(616) 234-3870 for Library Hours
(616) 234-3868 or Ask-a-Librarian for Reference Help

The mission of the Library & Learning Commons is to acquire and provide access to information resources integral to the learning process. We place the highest priority on building connections between learners and the information literacy skills they need to be successful in school, at work, and in the community.


FIRST FLOOR of the GRCC Library and Learning Commons (LLC) houses:

  • Reference and Circulation Services  
  • Reference collection  Course reserves  
  • Audiovisual (AV) collection  
  • Computers for student research


SECOND FLOOR of the LLC houses:

  • Circulating books Newspapers, magazines and journals in print and microform Interlibrary
  • Loan Services Information
  • Literacy classroom (Room 206)
  • Computers for student research Tutoring Services

Copy machines and individual and group study areas are located on each floor.


Student Life

(616) 234-4160

Student Life is the hub for student involvement and information. Stop by our office to find out how you can get involved on campus, or if you need help with things such as your RaiderCard, parking options, locker rentals, bus passes, and more. 

The current Student Handbook, with a variety of useful information about being a student on campus, is available online at 


GRCC uses OrgSync to manage our student organization and involvement opportunities. Sign up today to browse and join organizations at 


The RaiderCard is your official GRCC photo identification and debit type purchases on campus, so you need to keep it with you at all times. It provides you discounted campus parking, ability to purchase food and services around campus (such as printing), access to the Gerald R. Ford Fieldhouse, as well as access to local museums through the GoSeeGR! program. If you lose your card, please report to Student Life or Campus Police immediately for it to be deactivated. For more information, visit or call (616) 234-4160. 

Register to Vote

To exercise your right to vote in city, state, and national elections, you must be registered. You may register at Student Life on the first floor of the Student Center.