Feb 15, 2025  
2011-2013 Catalog-EXPIRED 

Extended Learning Opportunities


Academic Service Learning Center

(616) 234-4162
Room 59, G2 Main Building

The Academic Service Learning Center (ASLC) works directly with students, faculty, and community partners to make a difference in the lives of others while simultaneously providing students with unique learning opportunities.

Open opportunity Academic Service Learning (ASL):

  • Curriculum Service Learning – Academic Service Learning classes allow students meaningful opportunities to serve in the community while learning course content.
  • Recurring ASL – Students may elect to do an independent study version of Academic Service Learning.
  • Event ASL – All students are invited to participate in one-day service events.
  • Community Service Work Study – Allows students to earn a portion of their federal work study financial aid by working at a local non-profit organization.
  • Michigan Service Scholars – Awards students who complete 300 hours of service to the community with a $1,132 Education Award to use for tuition or student loan payments.

See the Academic Service Learning Center Web page at www.grcc.edu/servicelearning and www.facebook.com/GRCCAcademicServiceLearning for more information.


(616) 234-3990

GRCC is a member of the National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA) and participates in sports for men and women. These sports include national, regional, and state competition in football, basketball, baseball, golf, tennis, volleyball, and softball. Since GRCC is the only community college playing football in Michigan, its football schedule includes various out-of-state competitors and members of the NJCAA. 

Equity in Athletics

The Equity in Athletics Report is available in the Athletics and Human Resources departments as well as in the office of the Dean of Student Affairs.

Students have the opportunity to participate in:

  • Football
  • Women’s volleyball
  • Women’s tennis
  • Men’s basketball
  • Women’s basketball
  • Men’s tennis
  • Women’s softball
  • Baseball
  • Golf

The Bob and Aleicia Woodrick Diversity Learning Center

(616) 234-3390

The Woodrick Diversity Learning Center (WDLC) is located on the first floor of the Learning Center. The mission of the WDLC is to ensure an inclusive and flexible learning environment in support of personal growth and respect for individual differences. The WDLC embraces and promotes the celebration of human differences through its programs and activities. The Center is a major resource for bringing people together and linking the campus community.

Ferris State University–Grand Rapids

(616) 451-4777
(800) 998-3425

A unique partnership between Ferris State University and Grand Rapids Community College enables a student to transfer a complete associate’s degree into one of 17 bachelor’s degree programs or move effortlessly into a Professional Development Certificate program. Skills will be honed on state-of-the-art equipment and materials in the Wisner-Bottrall Applied Technology Center, in small classes led by instructors with contemporary field knowledge.

This partnership allows the student to:

  • Take Ferris classes on the GRCC campus in the Wisner-Bottrall Applied Technology Center.
  • Learn to do what he/she loves. Ferris’ approach is hands-on, so students learn by doing and take what they’ve learned to work with them the next day.
  • Learn in small classes. Students receive the individual attention they deserve from Ferris faculty, not graduate assistants.
  • Get the job he/she wants. Ferris State University has one of the highest job placement rates in Michigan–97 percent of graduates find jobs in the field of their choice.

Call for more information about Ferris State University-Grand Rapids programs or to schedule an appointment with an advisor to complete an unofficial evaluation of credits completed at GRCC.

Flexible Learning Options

Distance Learning
(616) 234-3845

Information about online, hybrid, live Cable TV, and interactive TV courses can be found at www.grcc.edu/distance. Students can also e-mail distancelearning@grcc.edu.

Online Courses:

Students will need to access online courses from the campus network or through their own Internet service provider and computer. Online courses are delivered over the Internet, with very few on-campus meeting times. In the Schedule of Classes, online classes are designated as “Internet” under the column heading “TYPE.” Students use a system called “Blackboard” (http://bb.grcc.edu) to take these courses. For the latest class availability, go to “My Student Center” at www.grcc.edu/studentcenter. If an online course is not offered at GRCC, a student may be able to take it from another Michigan community college. GRCC is part of the Michigan Community College Association’s Virtual Learning Collaborative. Through this collaborative, GRCC students can take online courses not offered at GRCC, while keeping their academic records and receiving support at GRCC. For course listings and other information, visit the MCCA’s VLC site at www.mccvlc.org.


A hybrid course is an online course that includes scheduled classroom instruction. Scheduled classroom instruction does not exceed fifty percent of the contact hours for the course. Students will need to access the online component from the campus network or through their own Internet service provider and computer. In the Schedule of Classes, hybrid classes are designated as “Hybrid” under the column heading “TYPE.” Students use a system called “Blackboard” (http://.bb.grcc.edu) to take these courses. For the latest class availability, go to “My Student Center” at www.grcc.edu/studentcenter.

Live Cable TV Courses:

Live cable classes are taught on the GRCC campus from one of the distance learning rooms and delivered via Comcast Channel 28 (analog)/ Digital Channel 903, the College Channel. In the Schedule of Classes, they are designated as “Live Cable” under the column heading “TYPE.” These courses are not pre-recorded videotapes.

Students enrolling in these courses have the option of watching at home or coming to campus. Those who are at a distance interact with the instructor via telephone. These classes are particularly valuable for students who have difficulty coming on campus for whatever reason. Each class session is videotaped, and the tapes are on file at the GRCC Library and Learning Commons for student review. 

Interactive TV Courses (ITV):

GRCC offers true two-way interactive classes (two-way audio and two-way video). Classes are typically broadcast from GRCC to the Patrick A. Thompson M-TEC and to high schools for Dual Enrollment students. The classes are interactive because there are students at more than one site. In the Schedule of Classes, they are designated as “ITV” under the column heading “TYPE.”

Distance learning rooms are equipped with advanced technology, using multiple cameras, monitors, CD-ROM, computers, and VCRs–all of which are controlled from an instructor’s console. An increasing number of instructors are also incorporating online learning components to further augment communications and interaction.

ITV Class Locations:

  • Grand Rapids: GRCC Library and Learning Commons (LLC), Downtown Campus
  • Lakeshore Campus: Patrick A. Thompson M-TEC, 6364 136th Avenue PVT
  • Area high schools for Dual Enrollment or Early College students

NOTE: The ITV classes are projected on a classroom television screen “point-to-point,” from one classroom location to another, and are also videotaped for student content review. Videos can be viewed in the GRCC Library and Learning Commons. Some ITV classes have two course codes: one is the on-campus component and the second is a remote site. Students should be sure to register for the one most convenient for them.

Honors Program

(616) 234-4547

The Honors Program is an excellent alternative for students who have both the academic ability (3.5 GPA) and desire to take their education to a higher level. Opportunities include Honors Courses of smaller class size, service learning, guidance for scholarships, designation of Honors on the transcript and interaction with expert faculty. For more information, contact the Honors Program at (616) 234-4547 or visit www.grcc.edu/honorsprogram.

Honors Recognition

Dean’s List

The Dean’s List is compiled for the Fall and Winter semesters and Summer session. Full-time and part-time students in good academic standing carrying six or more credit hours and earning a 3.50 to 3.99 GPA are eligible. A grade of “I” will disqualify students. Honor to be awarded to Summer session beginning 2011 and is not retroactive.

Delta Pi Alpha Honor Recognition

The Delta Pi Alpha Honor Recognition honors those students graduating with superior scholastic achievement. Recipients are selected from the top five (5) percent of the graduating class for the academic year. To be considered for the honor, students must file a graduation audit by the second Friday in February of the year they petition to graduate and must complete all graduation requirements by the end of Summer session of the graduating year. Letter grades X, N, WF, I, E on the student transcript on this date will disqualify students. For more information, contact the Dean of Student Affairs office at (616) 234-3925.

President’s List

The President’s List is compiled for the Fall and Winter semesters and Summer session. Full-time and part-time students in good academic standing carrying six or more credit hours and earning a 4.0 GPA are eligible. A grade of “I” will disqualify students. This honor is effective beginning Fall 2011 and is not retroactive. A student will not be named to both lists.

Phi Theta Kappa (Alpha Upsilon Kappa Chapter


Students who have completed 12 or more college credits with a GPA of 3.5 or higher are eligible for membership in the Alpha Upsilon Kappa Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa, the International Honor Society of the Two-Year College. Membership entitles students to list this honor on their resumes and to participate in activities that revolve around Phi Theta Kappa’s four hallmarks: Scholarship, Leadership, Service, and Fellowship. Entering freshmen with a high school GPA of 3.5 or higher may join as provisional members.

Additional information may be obtained from the Director of Student Life or from the Phi Theta Kappa advisor via e-mail: ptk@grcc.edu.

Older Learner Center

(616) 234-3483
Rooms 215-217, Calkins Science Center

The Older Learner Center offers adults 45 and older opportunities for lifelong learning and life enrichment. These include a Computer Club; Senior Health Club and Health Education Programming; Life History Club; and Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Educational Support Groups. The Older Learner Center produces Successful Aging, an award-winning television program that is distributed nationally on video; administers a number of community-wide program initiatives, including Senior Leadership Grand Rapids; has a leadership/support role in the Caregiver Resource Network; and sponsors public forums, conferences, training and events within the community on issues relating to an aging America. 


(616) 234-3998

GRCC Players

The Grand Rapids Community College Theatre Department produces three faculty-directed productions each year during the Fall and Winter semesters. These productions are open to all GRCC students. (One need not be enrolled in a theatre class to audition for the plays.)

Students may also earn college credit for their participation in the plays–either onstage or working backstage on a crew. Credit is flexible and is based on the number of hours the student can commit to the project. Students who are not interested in participating in a play for credit may become involved on an extra-curricular basis.

Spring Student-Directed One Acts

Each year the spring theatre production is an evening of one-act plays directed and performed by students. Students enrolled in the Theater Directing Class are eligible to propose a directing project. Casting is open to any GRCC student.


The GRCC Theatre Department also offers theatre dance classes. Students need no previous dance experience to enroll. Classes are open to general students who enjoy dance as a recreational activity.


GRCC students with valid IDs are allowed discount tickets to each GRCC production. In addition, all other productions at Spectrum Theater (those produced by Actors’ Theatre, Jewish Theatre Grand Rapids, and the Heritage Theatre Group) offer discount student rates for all performances. Call (616) 234-3946 for details.

Actors’ Theatre, Jewish Theatre Grand Rapids, and Heritage Theatre Group

These three community-based theatre groups produce award-winning plays on campus at Spectrum Theater. They all welcome and encourage student participation both as performers and backstage technicians. Casting is open to anyone in the Grand Rapids community and beyond.

Workforce Training/Training Solutions

Customized Training and Continuing Education for the Business Community
(616) 234-3600

Workforce Training serves its customers by providing high quality, cost-effective, results-oriented training and services.

Training programs are developed to meet employer needs and the general workforce needs in collaboration with community partners. They are designed for specific desired outcomes (results). Workforce Training utilizes a wide range of needs, skill, and job assessment tools. Training programs use a variety of learning methodologies: instructor-facilitated, self-paced, online learning and/or hands-on instruction. Training can be held at an employer’s site or at any of the world-class GRCC workforce development locations in Kent and Ottawa Counties.

Apprenticeships and Cooperative Education

Construction Trades, Apprenticeship Training
(616) 234-3009

GRCC offers non-credit apprenticeship training for the construction industry that meets the Related Training Instruction (RTI) requirements of the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training (BAT), for registered apprenticeship programs. Employers who have apprenticeship programs registered with the BAT can send their apprentices to GRCC’s Leslie E. Tassell M-TEC for an established sequence of trade-related courses or can contract with the College to develop a customized training program.

Most of the Construction Trades programs are accredited through the National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER), utilizing curriculum materials based on a national skill standard that requires both written and performance testing.

Upon completion of the program, the apprentice will receive a Certificate of Completion from the BAT, the NCCER, and GRCC. Apprentices desiring to continue their education by obtaining an associate’s degree can apply to receive articulated credit for their Certificate of Completion.

For a complete description of the Construction Trades apprenticeship program, visit www.grcc.edu, then select “Departments/Academic Departments/Construction Trades.” 

Cooperative Education
(616) 234-3660

Cooperative Education (Co-op) is a unique educational program that offers students an opportunity for paid on-the-job training related to their major field of study. It provides a blend of classroom theory and practical job experience through periods of on-campus instruction and supervised off-campus employment.

The program is called Cooperative Education because it results from ongoing cooperation between area employers and the College faculty. Through Co-op, students majoring in business, technology, culinary, computers, and certain public service curricula can earn academic credit while gaining valuable work experience. Full-time and part-time students are eligible to participate.

The following guidelines have been established to help ensure a work experience that is beneficial to the student’s academic goals:

  1. No more than six credit hours may be used toward graduation requirements.
  2. Before enrolling in Co-op, the student must first successfully complete at least 15 credits in program specific courses.
  3. The student must be actively pursuing a degree at Grand Rapids Community College, and the Co-op job must be directly related to the degree.
  4. The student should be able to identify specific job responsibilities that will provide experience relevant to the student’s occupational program.

Manufacturing Trades Apprenticeship
(616) 234-3660

GRCC offers apprenticeship classes to meet educational requirements for apprentices, journeypersons, and employees-in-training. The Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training, United States Department of Labor, and participating employers agree upon the requirements for apprenticeship. The participating employers set standards and monitor progress of apprentices. Certificates of Completion are issued by the United States Department of Labor to persons who have met their employer’s program requirements.