Mar 12, 2025
CA 204 - Pastry Credit Hours: 4 Contact Hours: 10 Prerequisites/Other Requirements: C or Higher in the following courses: CA 104 and CA 111 and [CA 209 or CA 210 ]
English Prerequisites: None
Math Prerequisites: None
Corequisites: None Description: CA 204 is a course that equips students with hands-on pastry skills essential for working in restaurants, wholesale, or retail bakeshops. The course focuses on practical techniques and prepares students for real-world scenarios. The course emphasizes proficiency in advanced baking and pastry techniques with increased production requirements. Students in CA 204 concentrate on preparing assorted desserts, frozen pastries, chocolate candies, confections, and plated desserts, focusing on modern presentations for restaurant desserts and upscale buffets.
Course Fee: $125.00
Department Consent: No Department Consent Required
General Education Distribution Category Met: None
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