Mar 12, 2025  
2025-2026 Catalog 
2025-2026 Catalog

Student Records/Registrar

Group of GRCC Students on DeVos Campus

Student Records & Registrar

Grading Calculation

Calculation of Honor Points–The use of plus and minus is optional; therefore, some instructors may choose not to use them.

Grade Honor Points
per Credit Hour
  Grade Honor Points
per Credit Hour
A 4.00   D+ 1.33
A– 3.67   D 1.00
B+ 3.33   D– 0.67
B 3.00   E 0.00
B– 2.67   I Incomplete
C+ 2.33   V Audit
C 2.00   W Student Initiated Drop
C– 1.67         DR           College Initiated Drop

For more information on the Grading policy go to GRCC Campus Policies  



Grand Rapids Community College (GRCC) offers a variety of options for registration.

The college year is composed of three semesters, including the summer session. Units of academic study are recorded in credit-hours.

  1. Web-based registration is available 24-hours a day, seven days a week, at Assistance with web registration is available at computer labs across campus and at the IT Support Desk at (616) 234-4357.
  2. Students may register in person at the Enrollment Center, first floor, RJF Hall.
  3. Students may register in person at the Lakeshore Campus.

Minimum Class Enrollment

Grand Rapids Community College reserves the right to cancel any class in which too few students enroll.

Cancelled Classes–Notification

When the College decides to cancel a classes a class for which a student has registered, a communication will be sent to the student’s GRCC email address notifying them about the cancellation. In most cases, recommendations will be made about an alternate course selection.

Cancelled Class–Additional Information

Grand Rapids Community College recognizes its obligation to provide high-quality learning experiences for the purpose of achieving the learning outcomes in each course. In the event that a class is cancelled due to circumstances beyond the control of the College, those learning outcomes will be accomplished through the discretionary adjustments made by the faculty member assigned to the class.

Adding Classes

Students are able to enroll in classes through the date displayed in the online center as the last date to enroll. There may be additional restrictions at the discretion of the College. Please note that regular attendance, including the first session is extremely important to succeed in class. For more information regarding the College’s Attendance Policy, see GRCC Campus Policies  .

Withdrawing from Classes

It is the student’s responsibility to withdraw from a class they are no longer intending to take.  Please be aware that withdrawing from courses can affect financial aid, veteran benefits, prerequisites and other requirements.  For additional information, refer to the Grading Policy – Withdrawal Process in the catalog.

Registration Dates

GRCC offers year long registration.  Further information can be found online at Registration Dates.

Declaring an Academic Program

Students may declare an academic program through the GRCC Online Student Center. Students need to declare the academic program they are working toward in the first 10 percent of calendar days of a the semester. Requests after this date go into effect for the next semester.

Official Transcript Requests

Students may submit an official transcript request through the GRCC Online Student Center.  Students who attended GRCC prior to Fall 1969 should fill out a paper transcript request form found online at transcripts.  Further information can be found online at official transcripts.

Name Changes

A student name may be changed with a State driver’s license, State I.D., and court paperwork documenting the name change. Student workers must do this at the Student Employment Office. Students who prefer to use a name other than their legal name throughout their time at GRCC may change their preferred name through their online center. For more information please visit gender identity.

Academic Grade Grievance Procedure

This process is to be used only for disputes regarding final grades. A student who perceives an individual grade received during a course to be unfair must resolve the matter informally with his or her instructor. Only when an individual grade has impacted a student’s final grade, or when a student perceives a final grade to be otherwise unfair, may the student invoke the formal grievance process noted below.

To begin this process, the student shall contact the instructor within 15 school days after the posting of a perceived unfair final grade to try to resolve the matter informally (School days are Mondays through Fridays, while classes are in session).

For the remaining steps involved in this process, please click here to go to the complete Grade Grievance Process.

Independent Study

Independent Study Courses are offered in most disciplines. These courses are numbered 298 and 299 in the disciplines in which they are offered. No more than two credit hours total will be given for the 298, 299 sequence.

Before registering for the Independent Study, the student is to make arrangements according to these guidelines, and initiate the process with the Department Head/Program Director of the academic department.

1.  For the student:

A.      The student initiates the proposal.

B.      The student is responsible for describing the proposal.

C.     The student states the objectives in measurable terms.

D.     The student describes the way in which he/she intends to accomplish his/her objectives.

E.      The student produces something measurable according to the stated objectives. The production might be a paper, a work of art, a musical composition, a movie, a recording or the like.

F.      Tuition must be paid or no grade or credit is given. The student must pay tuition before starting the study.

2.      General Guidelines:

A.      There is no guarantee that your independent study request will be approved.

B.      The written proposal for all independent studies should be clear and to the point.

C.     All subjects or proposals should relate to the subject matter area under which the study is taken.

Project Seminars

Project Seminars allow two or more students to study a topic that is not included and/or studied in depth in the discipline’s regular course offerings.  The Project Seminar is different from Independent Study in that students in the Project Seminars do not work independently outside of a classroom or laboratory, but under the supervision of an instructor. 

Project Seminars in any department are not necessarily the same from year to year since they are intended to meet changing conditions and demands. Project Seminars may be repeated. No more than 10 Project Seminar credits will apply toward graduation requirements.

Limits and Repeatability of Independent Studies and Project Seminars

Students may not submit more than 12 credits of Project Seminar and Independent Study courses in any combination toward fulfillment of the requirements for any associate degree. Project Seminar courses are normally numbered 291, 292, 293, 294, and Independent Study courses are 298, 299.

Further, no more than two credits of the above-mentioned 12 may be in the Independent Study format. Any Project Seminar and Independent Study course may be repeated for credit up to the above limits.

Transfer, Industry Recognized Credentials, Test Credit and Prior Learning Assessment

GRCC Transfer Polices incorporate policies regarding credit awarded from accredited institutions, military credit, foreign institutions, experiential learning and non-traditional adult learning programs. GRCC offers full disclosure of all transfer policies. All GRCC Transfer Policies contain a statement of criteria established by the institution regarding transfer of credit earned at another institution. Incoming transfer courses will only be accepted if the course was passed with a grade of C (2.0 on a 4.0 scale) or better, was completed at regionally accredited institution, and the course is undergraduate level.  


(616) 234-4129

GRCC is committed to offering veteran students necessary information, helpful resources to encourage and empower academic and personal success. To use U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) educational benefits at GRCC, a veteran student must (1) be fully admitted to GRCC and into a VA-approved curriculum, (2) apply to the VA for their benefits, and (3) meet the eligibility requirements established by the VA. It is ultimately the veteran student’s decision which benefit option is the best for them.  Veteran students forced to stop out for a period greater than two years due to military obligations, other than voluntary military enlistment, may request an exception to return under their previous catalog. For full requirements visit GRCC Veterans.

Veteran students can only be certified for VA benefits for courses required for their academic program and/or classes required by GRCC.

Notify the Veterans Services Coordinator immediately regarding all schedule changes.  Students must report any unsatisfactory grade or risk delay and/or forfeiture of VA educational benefits.

GRCC also accepts Tuition Assistance (TA) through the different military branches and the MyCAA program for spouses of active duty military.  Students should notify the Veterans Services Coordinator if they will be using either of these benefits.

Grand Rapids Community College will not impose any penalty upon covered individuals who are unable to meet their financial obligation to the college due to delayed payment by the VA.  A covered individual is any student using their Chapter 31 or Chapter 33 VA education benefit.  Documentation of eligibility must be provided to the Veterans Services Coordinator. 

Penalties will not be imposed effective with the date the required documentation (see below) is provided and ending on the date payment is received from the VA or 90 days after the date GRCC certifies tuition and fees for Chapter 33 or invoiced the VA for Chapter 31 tuition and fees, whichever comes first.

Covered individuals using their Chapter 33 Post 9/11 benefit must provide a copy of their Certificate of Eligibility (COE) letter received from the VA, or a Statement of Benefits obtained from the VA eBenefits website, no later than the first day of a course of education.  Covered individuals with less than 100% eligibility are required to pay the difference between their financial obligation and the amount expected to be paid by the VA.

Covered individuals using their Chapter 31 Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment benefit must make sure there is an unexpired form VAF 28-1905 form on file with the school no later than the first day of a course of education.

All covered individuals must complete the Veterans Responsibility form and the Record of Previous Education and Training form prior to their first semester of attendance at GRCC and submit the Veterans Continued Enrollment form for each subsequent semester.  Additional information may also be required.

GRCC encourages veterans to apply for federal financial aid and scholarships, even if choosing to use VA benefits.

GRCC does not automatically renew certification of VA benefits, students will need to submit a request to continue certification for their registered classes via the continued enrollment form found at

If you are a returning veteran who was deployed while taking classes at GRCC, contact the Veterans Office on appropriate steps and options for reactivating your record and continuing your degree. 

GRCC’s attendance policy may accommodate short absences for student veteran service in the Armed Forces only if students inform their instructors of their leave and work out a plan to complete work. Once students have breached the attendance policy they will be dropped from the course. Students should contact the Veteran Success Coordinator at if they have followed the above procedures but are dropped from their course due to service leave.

Standards of Progress: The Veterans

Veterans are subject the GRCC Academic Standing policy which includes possible probation and suspension.

For additional information about policies and procedures visit


GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at


High School and Technical Center Articulation



High School Articulation is a process where students may earn college credits for certain courses they take in high school or in non-credit GRCC courses. It provides an opportunity for high school or non-credit GRCC courses and community college courses to blend, granting equivalent college credit to students for achieving specific outcomes in identified courses within their school district.

Students who successfully complete articulated career and technical education programs in secondary schools or GRCC non-credit programs that have a signed articulation agreement with GRCC are granted college credit for specific courses should they decide to continue their education at Grand Rapids Community College. The amount of transfer credit available will depend on the specific program involved. The high school instructor or GRCC non-credit program instructor must evaluate the student, complete all forms, and send the information to the Student Records/Registrar’s Office.  Students must apply to GRCC within two (2) years of their high school graduation or completion of a GRCC non-credit program.   If a student is transferring to another college after attending GRCC, the student should check with their desired transfer college to see if the credits are eligible to transfer.

For more information and to view articulation agreements, please visit the at