CA 114 - International Food Production Credit Hours: 4 Contact Hours: 10 Prerequisites/Other Requirements: C or Higher in the following courses: CA 105 and CA 111 and CA 209
English Prerequisites: None
Math Prerequisites: None
Corequisites: None Description: CA 114 International Food Production is the second in a series of hands-on savory cooking laboratory experiences, expanding on knowledge and skill development from CA 105. In CA 114 International Food Production, students develop principles, procedures, and quality standards in commercial and institutional cooking. The focus is on preparing entrees, soups, salads, and vegetables utilizing recipes from cuisines from around the world.
Students integrate their culinary skills by creating foods with visual appeal and developing the art and science of plate presentation. Students have ample hands-on opportunities to explore their creativity and play with color and texture. In CA 114 International Food Production, students begin to analyze and differentiate the strategic placement of ingredients. Working alongside the faculty students learn to master the basics of building beautifully plated dishes for patrons at GRCC’s open-to-the-public Heritage Restaurant.
Course Fee: $75.00
Department Consent: No Department Consent Required
Dual Enrollment Allowed: No General Education Distribution Category Met: None
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