Mar 12, 2025  
2025-2026 Catalog 
2025-2026 Catalog

Pre-Exercise Science, AA--GVSU.GRCC Agreeement

Pre-Exercise Science, A.A. (Grand Valley State University)

Academic Plan Code: 659

This academic program lays the foundation to transfer to Grand Valley State University to obtain a B.S. in Exercise Science.  This is accomplished by taking the first two years of the program at GRCC and transferring seamlessly to Grand Valley to complete the final two years of the program. This Exercise Science program prepares students for careers related to physical activity, exercise, health, chronic disease management, and sport performance. This program allows students to choose a concentration depending on the chosen career path. By declaring this articulated pre-major, students are on track to graduate with both an Associate of Arts degree from GRCC and a bachelor’s degree from Grand Valley State University within four years (if enrolled in classes full-time).

General Transfer & Michigan Transfer Agreement

The coursework needed to complete this program is listed below.  The courses transfer and satisfy requirements at Grand Valley State University. 

Students should contact Grand Valley State University to obtain additional detailed information about transfer requirements. Grand Valley State University ultimately makes the decisions about how each course will be used to meet the bachelor’s degree requirements. Students should also review the specific admission requirements for Grand Valley State University and this Exercise Science program.

GRCC advisors and faculty are available to help students navigate transfer resources and create an individualized transfer plan, including selection of elective courses, which meets all GRCC and Grand Valley State University requirements.

Graduates of this program will earn an Associate of Arts degree from GRCC and may be eligible to earn the Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA) credential.

Program Notes

The information indicated below is what is required when transferring to Grand Valley State (GVSU):

  • MOV 304 - Students should either dual enroll and take this course at Grand Valley State University while they are attending GRCC or students should take this course during the Spring semester before their first Fall semester at Grand Valley State University.
  • EN 102 – English Composition II – must be graded at a “C” or above to receive specific WRT 150 credit in transfer.
  • All Issues courses must be taken at GVSU.
  • Students who plan to pursue an advanced degree such as Physical Therapy, Athletic Training, or other related programs should work closely with faculty or professional advisors at GVSU to include the appropriate prerequisite courses as part of their undergraduate preparation.

General Education Courses

Select a minimum of 30 credit hours of coursework from the General Education course list. Select coursework as directed below.  Use transfer resources available and advising to select coursework based on Grand Valley State University requirements

English Composition and Communications


Select two (2) Humanities General Education Electives from two (2) different subject areas. Only one (1) Foreign Language course can be used for the Humanities requirement.

Social Sciences

Select one (1) Social Sciences General Education Elective from a discipline other than PY.

Natural Sciences and Mathematics

General Education Total Credit Hours

30 (minimum)

Program Tracks

The remaining number of courses needed to complete the program will depend on the number of credit hours remaining needed to reach the 60 credits required for graduation. Select courses based on the GVSU Emphasis you wish to pursue.

Total Credit Hours


In What Order Should I Take Classes?

Please select courses from the Priority I list.  Select courses based on the number of credits you are taking in the semester, for example, if you are a part time student you do not have to take all of the courses listed.  If you are unable to schedule Priority I courses, move to and select from the list of Priority II, Priority III, and Priority IV courses.

Priority I Priority II

EN 101 - English Composition I  

PY 201 - General Psychology  

MA 215 - Statistics  

BI 151 - Introduction to Cells, Molecules, and Genes  

EXS 184 - Introduction to Exercise Science  

EN 102 - English Composition II  

CHM 120 - Survey of General Chemistry   

EXS 198 - Introduction to Athletic Training  

GH 200 - General Nutrition  

General Education Course

Priority III

Priority IV

General Education Course

BI 121 - Human Anatomy and Physiology I  

Program Track Course

Program Track Course

Program Track Course

General Education Course

BI 122 - Human Anatomy and Physiology II  

Program Track Course

Program Track Course

NOTE: This priority schedule assumes the student is prepared to take the courses listed. If prerequisites are required, additional semesters may be required to complete this degree.

Meet with an Academic Program Advisor and consult my Academic Progress for specific degree requirements


Essential Abilities/Technical Standards

The Grand Rapids Community College Exercise Science Department faculty has specified essential abilities critical to the success of students in any GRCC program. Students must demonstrate these essential abilities to succeed in their program of study. Qualified applicants are expected to meet all admission criteria and matriculating students are expected to meet all progression criteria, as well as these essential abilities with or without reasonable accommodations.

I. Essential judgment skills to include: The mission of the Exercise Science Department is to educate and positively impact the health of students and the community by offering academic course work, outreach, and practical learning opportunities that promote individual wellness skills and prepare future health, exercise science and wellness professionals for their future. That being said, the periphery goal of the department is to enable those who are/have been enrolled in a Wellness/PE course to identify behaviors and activities that promote their personal health, and thereby general education, and allow them to aid those surrounding them as needed.

II. Essential physical/neurological functions to include: Exercise Science related jobs are intellectually, physically, and psychologically demanding professions. Although this is the case, it is important to note that exercise and general wellness are not limited to any specific demographic. The importance of wellness, physical education and exercise science is vital to the success of all students, regardless of physical and neurological function. Behaviors that demonstrate essential neurological and physical functions relative to the Exercise Science Department and its courses include, but are not limited to:

  • Varying types of physical activity
  • Observation
  • Listening
  • Understanding relationships
  • Writing and psychomotor abilities consistent with course and program expectations

III. Essential communication skills to include: Ability to communicate effectively with fellow students, faculty, patients, and all members of the Exercise Science Department. Skills include verbal, written, and nonverbal abilities as well as information technology skills consistent with effective communication. Students should be able to demonstrate excellent interpersonal skills in the areas of leadership, motivation, management, and communication.

IV. Essential emotional coping skills: Exercise Science courses may aid in the ability of students to develop emotional coping skills, but students enrolling in an Exercise Science courses should have the ability to demonstrate the mental health necessary to safely engage in the practice of Exercise Science as determined by professional standards of practice.

V. Essential intellectual/conceptual skills to include: Ability to measure, calculate, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate to engage competently in the safe practice of Exercise Science. Specifically, this includes the ability to understand, synthesize, and apply nationally recognized standards for fitness and health and be able to communicate the benefits and precautions associated with exercise. Students will be able to understand, analyze and apply behavior modification strategies to enhance exercise and health behavior change

VI. Other essential behavioral attributes: Ability to engage in activities consistent with safe Exercise Science practice without demonstrated behaviors of addiction to, abuse of, or dependence on alcohol or other drugs that may impair behavior or judgment. The student must demonstrate responsibility and accountability for actions as a student in the Exercise Science Department and as a developing professional in the Wellness/PE/Exercise Science fields consistent with accepted standards of practice.

Grand Rapids Community College strives to be more than ADA compliant. We strive to be accessible and welcoming to all students of all abilities. After reviewing the Essential Abilities/Technical Standards for this program; your responsibilities as a student entail determining if you can complete all associated coursework either:

  1. With Accommodation. I am otherwise qualified to meet the same academic standards as any other student entering the program. However, based on a medically documented condition or diagnosis, I would qualify for reasonable accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act (1990). I will meet with Disability Support Services on campus to arrange those accommodations in an interactive process with the Exercise Science Department.

  2. Without Accommodation. I am able to complete the program without need for reasonable accommodation or modification. In the event my medical documentation reveals otherwise or a condition manifests that would necessitate an accommodation; it is my responsibility to inform a responsible authority figure within the Exercise Science Department and work with Disability Support Services to see if a reasonable accommodation or modification can be made.

If you have a medically documented condition or diagnosis, please contact the Wellness Department office, or contact Disability Support Services (DSS) at or by phone at 616.234.4140 to arrange accommodations through our interactive process.