Mar 12, 2025  
2025-2026 Catalog 
2025-2026 Catalog

Articulation Agreement

Architectural Technology, A.A.A.S (Ferris State University-Facility Management)

Academic Program Code: 610

This program is designed for students to complete an A.A.A.S. in Architectural Technology and transfer to the Facilities Management Program at Ferris State University. Students apply technical knowledge and skills to develop working drawings and specifications for architectural and related construction projects. Students learn basic construction and materials, building specification and codes, architectural rendering, computer-aided drafting (CAD), architectural blueprint interpretation and documentation, basic layout for mechanical, electrical and plumbing, and building information modeling (BIM).

Important Program Note:

This GRCC Academic Program and the Articulation Agreement are currently under review.

General Transfer Notes

The coursework needed to complete this program is listed below.  The courses transfer and satisfy requirements at Ferris State University. 

Students should contact Ferris State University to obtain additional detailed information about transfer requirements. Ferris State University ultimately makes the decisions about how each course will be used to meet the bachelor’s degree requirements. Students should also review the specific admission requirements for Ferris State University and the Facility Management program.

GRCC advisors and faculty are available to help students navigate transfer resources and create an individualized transfer plan, including selection of elective courses, which meets all GRCC and Ferris State University requirements.

Program Notes

Other courses that can be used to meet the MA 108  requirement include the following: MA 107, MA 131, MA 133, MA 134, MA 257.

General Education Courses

Select a minimum of 15 credit hours of coursework from the General Education course list. Select coursework as directed below.  Use transfer resources available and advising to select coursework based on Ferris State University requirements. 

English Composition and Communications


Social Sciences

Select one (1) Social Sciences General Education Elective. You should select courses in alignment with Ferris State University “Self and Society” General Education courses. EC 251 and EC 252 are required for this Ferris program.

Natural Sciences and Mathematics

General Education Total Credit Hours

15 (minimum)

Open Elective Courses

The remaining number of courses needed to complete the program will depend on the number of credit hours remaining needed to reach the 60 credits required for graduation. Course selections should be made based on transfer requirements. 

The following GRCC Courses are recommended open electives: 

Students are encouraged to use transfer resources available and consult their faculty advisors when choosing Open Elective courses.

Total Credit Hours


In What Order Should I Take Classes?

Please select courses from the Priority I list.  Select courses based on the number of credits you are taking in the semester, for example, if you are a part time student you do not have to take all of the courses listed.  If you are unable to schedule Priority I courses, move to and select from the list of Priority II, Priority III, and Priority IV courses.

Priority I Priority II

EN 101 - English Composition I  

MA 108 - Trigonometry  

AR 103 - Building Codes and Standards  

AR 105 - Construction Materials I  

AR 129 - Introduction to Building Information Modeling (BIM)  

EN 102 - English Composition II  

PH 125 - College Physics I 

AR 106 - Construction Materials II  

AR 112 - Mechanical and Electrical Drafting  

EC 251 - Principles of Macroeconomics  


EC 252 - Principles of Microeconomics  


General Education-Social Science Elective Course

Priority III Priority IV

COM 131 - Fundamentals of Public Speaking  


COM 135 - Interpersonal Communication  

AR 119 - Introduction to Architectural CAD  

AR 120 - Architectural Working Drawings I  

AR 125 - Print Reading and Specifications  

AR 201 - Architectural Graphics I   

AR 121 - Architectural Working Drawings II  

AR 202 - Architectural Graphics II  

AR 218 - Sustainable Residential Design  

AT 270 - History of Architecture  

Open Elective Course

NOTE: This priority schedule assumes the student is prepared to take the courses listed. If prerequisites are required, additional semesters may be required to complete this degree.

Meet with an Academic Program Advisor and consult my Academic Progress for specific degree requirements.