Mar 12, 2025  
2025-2026 Catalog 
2025-2026 Catalog

Radiologic Technology, A.A.A.S.

Academic Program Code: 305

The mission of the Grand Rapids Community College Radiologic Technology program is to demonstrate radiographic skills, critical thinking skills, communication skills, radiation safety, patient care, professional attitudes, and lifelong learning characteristics that will prepare students for entry into the workforce of diagnostic medical imaging as a registry-eligible radiographer. Graduates of this program, upon successfully completing the registry examination of the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT), are prepared for entry level positions in hospitals, clinics, private offices, and traveling technologist employment. The Radiologic Technology program at GRCC is accredited by the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology.

The employment outlook continues to be favorable for Radiologic Technologists. Clinical practicums associated with GRCC’s program have been established within a 50-mile radius of Grand Rapids Community College (sites subject to change). These practical experiences seek to heighten students’ awareness of patient communication practices and to acquaint them with all phases of radiologic technology practice, which often varies from hospital to hospital. The personal contacts developed during clinical experiences often help students in securing jobs after graduation.  The Radiologic Technology program is a two-year program and requires attendance for six semesters including two summer sessions.

The GRCC Radiologic Technology Program is accredited by the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT), located at 20 N. Wacker Drive, Suite 2850, Chicago, IL 60606-3182. You can contact them via email at or by phone at (312) 704-5300. Graduates will sit for their national board certification exam for the Registered Technologist in Diagnostic Radiography administered by The American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT). 

A felony conviction may affect a graduate’s ability to sit for the ARRT certification examination. For further information on limitations, you can contact the ARRT at 1255 Northland Drive, St. Paul, MN 55120-1155, or phone 651.687.0048 to determine your eligibility. 

Program Admissions Requirements

In order to be eligible for admission into the Radiologic Technology program, students must:

  1. Be a high school graduate or have passed the high school equivalency GED (General Educational Development) Test.
  2. Have a cumulative college GPA of at least 2.0.
  3. Must demonstrate math, reading and writing competency all must be within the last five years.  Dependent on demonstrated competencies, a reduce timeframe may apply (for specific details/scores visit the Radiologic Technology Associate Degree Admission Criteria).
  4. Complete BI 121  and BI 122  with a C or Higher within two attempts.  This includes WD and DR attempts.
  5. Complete RAD 100 with a C or better within 4 years. 
  6. Complete GH 110 with a C or better. 

For additional information, refer to the Health Programs general information page. A drug screening and background check will be completed once accepted into the Program. In addition to tuition, fees, and books, there are additional costs. Estimates of these costs may be obtained from the Radiologic Technology office.

General Education Courses

Select a minimum of 15 credit hours of course work from the General Education course list.  Course work must be selected as directed from the areas below.

English Composition and Communications


Select one (1) Humanities General Education Elective.

Social Sciences

Select PY 201 or one (1) Social Sciences General Education Elective.

Natural Sciences and Mathematics

General Education Total Credit Hours

15 (minimum)

Total Credit Hours


Program Notes

In order to be eligible for graduation, Radiologic Technology students must earn a minimum of “C-” in each Radiologic Technology program courses (RAD & GH).

Life Science courses BI 121  and BI 122  must have been completed within seven years of starting the Radiologic Technology Program at GRCC (This includes Life Science courses that are transferred in from other institutions regardless of the date in which they are transferred).

The GRCC Radiologic Technology program is delivered in a combination of on campus, online, hybrid, and off campus instruction each semester.

In What Order Should I Take Classes?

Please select courses from the Priority I list.  Select courses based on the number of credits you are taking in the semester, for example, if you are a part time student you do not have to take all of the courses listed.  If you are unable to schedule Priority I courses, move to and select from the list of Priority II, Priority III, and Priority IV courses.

Pre Program and General Education Courses:

Note:  While on the RAD Tech program wait list, consider possibly taking the General Education Courses (Humanities & Social Sciences) and EN102/COM131/COM135

Priority I Priority II

RAD 105 - Application of General Patient Care Skills  

RAD 110 - Radiographic Positioning I  

RAD 111 - Radiographic Exposure I  

RAD 211 - Survey of Medical-Surgical Diseases      

General Education Course-Humanities

RAD 112 - Radiographic Positioning II  

RAD 113 - Radiographic Exposure II  

RAD 130 - Clinical Practicum in Radiologic Technology I     



Priority III Priority IV

RAD 131 - Clinical Practicum in Radiologic Technology II  

RAD 240 - Sectional Anatomy  

RAD 230 - Clinical Practicum in Radiologic Technology III   

Priority V Priority VI

General Education Course-Social Sciences

RAD 207 - Radiation Protection  

RAD 210 - Radiographic Positioning III  

RAD 231 - Clinical Practicum in Radiologic Technology IV  

EN 102 - English Composition II  


COM 131 - Fundamentals of Public Speaking  


COM 135 - Interpersonal Communication  

RAD 213 - Radiologic Technology Capstone  

RAD 215 - Physics of X-ray  

RAD 232 - Clinical Practicum in Radiologic Technology V  

NOTE: This priority schedule assumes the student is prepared to take the courses listed. If prerequisites are required, additional semesters may be required to complete this degree.

Meet with an Academic Program Advisor and consult my Academic Progress for specific degree requirements.

Essential Abilities/Technical Standards

Students will be required to perform certain physical functions in order to successfully complete the program.  You will perform them throughout your course work and/or clinical experience and later in your employment.  These functions are not conditions for admission to the program; they are listed for the purpose of alerting you to what physical functions will be expected of you.


You will assist in transferring patients from the wheelchairs and beds to x-ray table and vice versa.  These patients may be comatose, paralyzed or suffer from some degree of incapacity. You may have to move heavy equipment such as portable x-ray machine to different locations.


In the course of performing your duties in radiography you will be expected to stand and reach overhead to position the x-ray tube hanging from the ceiling; you must move quickly in an emergency; you must perform your work standing over a long period of time.


You must have the ability to hear sound from a distance of 15 feet–approximately the distance between the control panel and exposure switches and the x-ray table where the patient is being placed.  You must also be able to hear faint sound signals emitted by a dysfunctional machine.


You must have vision to enable you to differentiate changing colors of the x-ray films, to read marking on dials, digital monitors etc.


Good motor skills, eye-hand coordination skills, and at least sensory function in at least one upper limb are needed to align body parts of a patient with the film.  Many other functions also require dexterity, including filling syringes, putting on surgical gloves, and manipulating locks on equipment.


Motor skills such as standing, walking, and writing are all required to perform your duties.  In addition, you must have fine motor skills, such as, the ability to make insertion of IV lines, calibrate equipment, draw blood, and so on.


You must be able to communicate in English orally and in writing.  Example: You must be able to read and give directions and instructions and to record health data from patients.