Mar 12, 2025  
2025-2026 Catalog 
2025-2026 Catalog

Mechanical Design, A.A.A.S.

Academic Programs Code: 904

The Mechanical Design Program prepares students to enter employment as an engineering technician.  This program includes instruction in the topics of CAD, parametric design, engineering graphics, geometric dimensioning, and tolerances. Additional topics include manufacturing materials and processes, mechanical components, blueprint reading, and technical communication. Several of the most popular CAD engineering graphics software products are incorporated in this program including SolidWorks, Pro-E, Inventor, Catia, NX, and AutoCAD. Students are offered the opportunity to take the Certified SolidWorks Associate level exam. 

Mechanical Designers prepare detailed drawings based on rough sketches and specifications. They also calculate the strength, quantity, and cost of materials. Engineering Technicians control engineering changes and design modifications to existing components and assemblies. The College has incorporated into the Mechanical Design program, the latest information and techniques in computer aided design (CAD) and parametric modeling. A Maker Lab that has lasers, scanners, 3D printers, and CNC equipment is available to give students the most up-to-date training available and to maximize their employment opportunities.

Graduates of GRCC's Mechanical Design program have opportunities in such careers as mechanical design, tool, die, mold, machine and product design, and engineering technician.

General Education Courses

Select a minimum of 15 credit hours of course work from the General Education course list.  Course work must be selected as directed from the areas below.

English Composition and Communications


Select one (1) Humanities General Education Elective.

Social Sciences

Select one (1) Social Sciences General Education Elective.

Natural Sciences and Mathematics

Select one (1) Natural Sciences Lab/Non Lab General Education Elective or one (1) Mathematics General Education Elective.

General Education Total Credit Hours

15 (minimum)

Program Elective Courses

Total Credit Hours


Program Notes

Students interested in transferring to a 4-year institution should consult the 4-year institution to identify specific courses that will transfer.  It is also strongly suggested that students work with a faculty advisor in the Mechanical and Architectural Design department for course selection. All students intending to transfer should take MA 107  and MA 108  or Higher instead of TE 103  and TE 104 PH 125  is also required for transfer.

Other courses that can be used to meet the MA 107  requirement include:  MA 110 , MA 131 , MA 133 .

Other courses that can be used to meet the MA 108  requirement include:  MA 131 , MA 133 .

In What Order Should I Take Classes?

Please select courses from the Priority I list.  Select courses based on the number of credits you are taking in the semester, for example, if you are a part time student you do not have to take all of the courses listed.  If you are unable to schedule Priority I courses, move to and select from the list of Priority II, Priority III, and Priority IV courses.

Priority I Priority II

DR 150 - Introduction to SolidWorks  

DR 180 - Introduction to Mechanical Concepts  

EG 110 - Industrial Graphics with CAD  

MN 199 - Theory of Machine Operations  


MN 119 - Introductory Machine Operations  

Program Elective Course - Mathematics

DR 190 - Intermediate Solidworks  

DR 212 - Tool Design  

EG 201 - Advanced Engineering Graphics  

General Elective Course

Program Elective Course - Mathematics

Priority III Priority IV

EN 101 - English Composition I  

DR 224 - Die Design  

DR 229 - Detail Drafting  

DR 240 - Advanced SolidWorks  

General Education Course - Natural Science or Math

EN 102 - English Composition II  


COM 131 - Fundamentals of Public Speaking  


COM 135 - Interpersonal Communication  

DR 258 - Introduction to Pro Engineer/Creo 

DR 279 - Team Design Project  

General Elective Course

Program Elective Course - Mechanical Design

NOTE: This priority schedule assumes the student is prepared to take the courses listed. If prerequisites are required, additional semesters may be required to complete this degree.

Meet with an Academic Program Advisor and consult my Academic Progress for specific degree requirements