Mar 13, 2025  
2016-2017 Catalog-EXPIRED 

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EL 132 - Electronics Mathematics

Credits: 4
Contact Hours: 4
Prerequisites: MA 098 or TE 103

Corequisites: None

College Level Prerequisites: GRCC College Level Math (Math ACT 18 or higher OR successful completion of MA098 or higher OR Algebra Accuplacer 76 or higher)
Description: This course emphasizes the contextualization and applications of mathematics specific to electrical and electronic fields of study. Examples and exercises explicitly involve applications in these areas for engineering and scientific notation, algebraic expressions, fractions, linear and quadratic equations, exponents, logarithms, determinants, trigonometric functions and number systems (binary, octal, decimal, hexadecimal).

Department Consent: No Consent
General Education Distribution Category Met: None

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