Feb 13, 2025  
2018-2019 Catalog 
2018-2019 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Job Training

GRCC Professor showing a student how to use a machine


GRCC’s Job Training programs provide a quality learning experience for students pursuing job skills for employment, using year-round instruction with multiple starting dates and hands-on curriculum.  These non-term programs prepare an individual for a job immediately upon completion, with learning over 18 weeks for 34 hours a week.  When an individual is ready to continue their educational pathway, these programs are designed to articulate into GRCC’s associate degree programs.  All Job Training programs include national certifications and offer opportunities for students to earn multiple credentials demanded by local employers.

Contact: Tassell M-TEC Career Advancement Center
Phone: (616) 234-3800
E-mail: training@grcc.edu 
Website: grcc.edu/jobtraining

Information Sessions

Information Sessions are presented every Monday at 10:00 a.m.at the Tassell M-TEC.  Sessions provide information on programs offered, support services, enrollment process, financial aid, and employment outlook.  Facility tours are available at the end of each Information Session to be able to see students working in each of the labs, ask questions of Job Training staff, and decide which training best fits each individual’s needs.

Enrollment Information



Job Training programs are approximately 18 weeks in length, and classes begin throughout the year; class meets for 34 hours per week.

For current Job Training In-District and Out-of-District tuition rates, please visit tuition rates & fees.


Refund policy for all programs offered by GRCC Job Training:


Withdraw before 5% of calendar days

100% Refund

Withdraw before 10% of calendar days

50% Refund
  Withdraw after 10% of calendar days No Refund

Please be advised that dropping a program may permanently affect eligibility for financial aid.

Financial Aid

The Job Training staff will assist in accessing financial resources to pay the educational costs of enrollment in a program. The staff realize that students and/or their parents or spouse have the primary responsibility of providing financial resources for education. Therefore, creating the right financial aid package is very important.

Students in need of financial resources should apply for financial aid by completing an application for Federal Student Aid during the month after submitting a GRCC Job Training application. By combining funding options such as self-payment, federal, state, college, and community-based resources, staff can design a financial aid package to help meet the majority of a student’s financial needs.

For information and applications, 

Contact: Tassell M-TEC Career Advancement Center
Phone: (616) 234-3800
E-mail: training@grcc.edu 
Website: grcc.edu/jobtraining

Academic Policies

Standards of Progress

The instructor will evaluate students weekly. The evaluation includes attendance, work behaviors and completion of performance objectives.

Grading Scale

Job Training uses the following grading scale based on attendance and accomplishment of specific performance objectives:

  Monthly Objectives Completed Grade
  70-100% / Satisfactory Certificate of Completion
  Below 70% Unsatisfactory

Evaluation Policy

Students will be evaluated on completion of required performance objectives. A listing of objectives is available from the Job Training instructor. Students must successfully complete a minimum of 70 percent of the monthly objectives to maintain enrollment status. Participants who fall below the 70 percent minimum will receive notice of unsatisfactory performance and be given a probationary period to bring their evaluation up to a satisfactory level. Evaluation will take place weekly.


Any student unable to complete the minimum course objectives after the probationary period, will be re-evaluated and may possibly be terminated from the program.


The faculty and administration of Grand Rapids Community College believes that regular attendance and participation in classes are essential for the education of every student. Faculty also recognize that circumstances sometimes prevent students from attending classes regularly. However, the College administration sees excessive absenteeism as a very serious matter and a precursor for job failure.  In accordance with GRCC policy 8.8 regarding Attendance, Job Training students are subject to the following attendance policy.

Job Training students will be expected to adhere to the following rules during their Job Training Program:

  • Attendance is taken daily by Professor.  All absences, tardiness and/or leaving early are documented.
  • After 17 hours of absences, tardiness and/or leaving early, regardless of the reason, students receive a verbal and/or written warning from the faculty member.
  • After 34 hours of absences, tardiness and/or leaving early, regardless of the reason, the student will receive a written notice of unsatisfactory attendance from the faculty member, and a meeting will be held to review the steps necessary to correct attendance situations.
  • If a student exceeds 61 hours of absences, tardiness and/or leaving early, the student may be dismissed from their Job Training program. Appropriate student funding sources will be notified when this action is taken.  Students who are dismissed maintain the right to appeal this decision by first meeting with the Job Training Program Manager.

GRCC also recognizes that certain circumstances may prohibit students from attending class.  If a student has documentation indicating that an absence is a result of a medical emergency or personal illness, death in the family, jury duty or court appearance, or military service, such documentation should be submitted as soon as possible after the missed class(es), and will be considered by the faculty member in determining whether the absence shall be excused.  If the absence is deemed to be excused, the documentation shall be maintained in the student’s Job Training file.  Absences due to incarceration, vehicle trouble, etc. are generally not deemed excusable.

Any student missing two weeks of class (8 consecutive absences) will be dismissed for unsatisfactory attendance, subject to appeal as outlined above.

Students must understand, nevertheless, that they may not be able to make up course work. Attendance enhances the learning environment by actively taking part in the class. Absences slow down the effectiveness of teaching and decrease the value of these accelerated Job Training programs.

Classroom/Lab Requirements

GRCC Job Training participants must adhere to all classroom/lab rules of conduct and safety requirements. It is recommended that students dress in a manner that would be acceptable to prospective employers.

In areas such as shops and laboratories where there may be potential for accidental injury, students will be required to wear safety glasses and/or other protective clothing. The instructor will clarify these requirements.

Student Services

Job Placement

Programs are specifically designed to meet the requirements of area business and industry. Advisory committees consisting of business leaders evaluate and recommend curriculum content according to their needs.

Our staff works with all students in establishing employment goals, good work habits, and effective job-seeking skills. The importance of attendance, attitude, peer relationships, and the ability to follow directions is emphasized.

Job Training offers multiple job possibilities by exposing students to a cluster of occupations rather than to specific jobs or tasks, providing greater employment options in an ever-changing market. The transferability of the skills developed is also increased by placing emphasis on the learning process as well as on the skill itself.

Veterans Regulations

Job Training courses are VA certified. Veterans planning to use their benefits while attending GRCC Job Training should be aware of federally and institutionally enforced regulations. To retain certification by GRCC, a Veteran must maintain satisfactory progress as identified for financial aid in the program attempted. For more information, contact the Leslie E. Tassell Career Advance Center at (616) 234-3800 or the VA office at 1-800-827-1996.  Please visit Job Training for a Checklist for Veteran Students.