Feb 05, 2025
Accounting, A.B.
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GRCC Program:
This program prepares students for responsible positions in the accounting department of small businesses and for support positions in both financial and manufacturing accounting in larger firms. The program includes a thorough study of the accounting cycle, cost accounting, tax accounting, budgeting, inventory valuation, and statement analysis. Business law, written and oral communication, and computer applications are included in the course work. To receive an Accounting Associate in Business degree, a student must meet the course and credit requirements. The following recommendations are presented as a guide. Courses may be taken in any order as long as all the listed requirements (including prerequisites) are met. Note:
This program is designed for career entry and/or advancement in selected fields. It is not intended to be a transfer program. Students planning to transfer should see a counselor or faculty advisor concerning transfer options. Total Credits 63/65
* Students intending to transfer should take EN 101 and EN 102 instead of BA 101 and BA 102 . ** Students who have not passed a formal keyboarding or typewriting course must enroll in BA 130 Computer Keyboarding before taking BA 133 . Students who have passed one year of high school keyboarding or typewriting with at least a grade of “C” may waive BA 130 . Since waiver is without credit, students must take an equivalent number of elective credits to satisfy graduation requirements. It is strongly recommended, however, that students who have had no formal training in word processing enroll in BA 133 . *** While any BA course will fulfill this elective requirement, BA 209 and BA 288 are recommended. **** While any course will fulfill this elective requirement, EC 251 and/or EC 252 are recommended. Transfer Opportunities:
The Transfer Guide for many bachelor’s degree majors offered at Michigan colleges and universities is available at the Counseling and Career Center and online at www.grcc.edu. |
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