Mar 12, 2025
2025-2026 Catalog
Data Science, Certificate
Academic Plan Code: 134

This program is designed to deliver the skills needed to enter the fast-paced Data Science industry. This program focuses on developing programming, statistics, data engineering/analytics/visualization, machine learning skills, and the non-technical skills students need to communicate their findings effectively and ensure that projects are handled ethically. This program will prepare students to apply these skills to support the Data Science needs of many industries.
Financial Aid
This program is eligible for Federal Financial Aid.
Total Credits
24 (minimum) In What Order Should I Take Classes?
Please select courses from the Priority I list. Select courses based on the number of credits you are taking in the semester, for example, if you are a part time student you do not have to take all of the courses listed. If you are unable to schedule Priority I courses, move to and select from the list of Priority II, Priority III, and Priority IV courses. NOTE: This priority schedule assumes the student is prepared to take the courses listed. If prerequisites are required, additional semesters may be required to complete this degree. Meet with an Academic Program Advisor and consult my Academic Progress for specific degree requirements. What’s Next?
This Data Science Certificate Program is a first step in your Computing career. Did you know that these courses fit into a more advanced GRCC program that allows you keep increasing your skills in this area? Check the next related program to find out where you can go next! To take the next step, contact an Academic Advisor!