Feb 15, 2025
Quality Science, A.A.A.S.
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Academic Program Code: 939
People who work in the field of quality science monitor and assure the quality of raw materials and finished products in industry. They develop quality assurance plans and procedures, conduct appropriate tests, and prepare detailed reports about the products and processes they study. Their jobs are critical in promoting the continuous improvement of products and processes. Quality science technicians and engineers also review research connected with product defects and quality-control methods, use statistical process control methodology, and make recommendations to improve products and processes. They often must devise unique methods of quality control to assure the quality of the particular products and processes within their area of responsibility. Quality Science students at GRCC study quality assurance, statistical process control, experimental design, gauges and measurement–including the use of the coordinate measuring machine and geometric tolerancing. Graduates of this program will be prepared to take the Quality Technician Certification Examination given by the American Society for Quality.
General Education Courses
English Composition
Select two of the following courses.
Natural Science & Mathematics
Program Elective Courses
Select two of the following courses.
Transfer Notes
Students intending to transfer to a four-year institution should take DR 258 instead of MN 100. They should also take EN 101 instead of EN 100, MA 107 and MA 108 or higher, instead of TE 103 and TE 104; and PH 125 as a Natural Science and Mathematics Elective.
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