Mar 13, 2025
HU 214 - Ancient Greek and Roman Culture through Archaeology Credit Hours: 3 Contact Hours: 3 Prerequisites/Other Requirements: None
English Prerequisites: None
Math Prerequisites: None
Corequisites: None Description: This course will feature a survey of ancient Greek and Roman archaeology from roughly 3000 BCE to 200 CE. Special attention will be given to material remains with a particular eye toward architecture (domestic, political, and religious) and how these remains are used as lenses for better understanding: 1) how archaeology can illuminate how the Greeks and Romans lived and what they believed 2) the influence of ancient cultures on each other, throughout history and up to the present and 3) the various modern techniques of uncovering, preserving, and interpreting the past. We will also spend class time zeroing in on specific sites/monuments (e.g., Parthenon, Colosseum) as well as walking through the history of modern archaeology and attending to a number of remarkable discoveries and unsolved mysteries.
Department Consent: No Department Consent Required
Dual Enrollment Allowed: Yes General Education Distribution Category Met: Humanities
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