CRB 180 - Craft Brewing Internship Credit Hours: 2 Contact Hours: 8 Prerequisites/Other Requirements: None
English Prerequisites: None
Math Prerequisites: None
Corequisites: CRB 210 Description: CRB 180 is designed for students to participate in a brewery-related internship experience of paid or unpaid work and learning activities involving employers and departmental instructional staff. Students work a minimum of 8 hours per week (120 hours total) under supervision at department-approved employment locations. Performance is monitored by the instructional staff and the students’ work location supervisor. Students are responsible for identifying their internship site and are selected by the student’s interests and varying skills. GRCC recommends finding a paid position, given the many opportunities in the industry. Students must have the permission of the Department. Coursework is completed online through Canvas.
Students must be 18 years or older to enroll in this course.
Department Consent: No Department Consent Required
General Education Distribution Category Met: None
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