Mar 12, 2025
MUS 273 - Advanced Studio Techniques Laboratory I Credit Hours: 2 Contact Hours: 3 Prerequisites/Other Requirements: C or Higher in the Following Courses: MUS 114 and MUS 116 and MUS 174
English Prerequisites: None
Math Prerequisites: None
Corequisites: MUS 274 (C or Higher) Description: Advanced Studio Techniques Laboratory I develops advanced recording skills utilizing multiple microphone techniques while simultaneously recording multiple instrumentalists. This course also broadens student’s awareness and operation of the different types of mixing consoles used in the industry. The objective of this course is to provide the student with practical hands on experience via recording in stereo, medium sized musical ensembles in digital surround sound. As well, stereo music mixing skills are broadened.
Course Fee: $25.00
Department Consent: No Department Consent Required
General Education Distribution Category Met: None
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