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GRCC Curriculum Database (2024-2025 Academic Year) 
GRCC Curriculum Database (2024-2025 Academic Year)
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CJ 275 - Addiction Treatment with Diverse Populations

This course provides a review of the legal, ethical, and professional responsibilities required of addiction treatment professionals. The course includes an examination of the special needs, issues, and interventions for diverse populations with chemical dependency issues, including an overview of counseling models and the design of culturally sensitive intervention strategies.
Credit Hours: 3
Contact Hours: 3
School: School of Business & Industry
Department: Criminal Justice
Discipline: CJ
Last Revision Date Effective: 2017-04-11 10:49:21
Course Review & Revision Year: 2025-2026
Course Type:
Program Requirement- Offering designed to meet the learning needs of students in a specific GRCC program.
Course Format:
Lecture - 1:1

General Education Requirement: None
General Education Learner Outcomes (GELO):
Course Learning Outcomes:
1. Define and explain the concept of ethical and professional responsibility as it relates to the provision of substance abuse assessment and counseling.

2. Analyze the primary ethical theories considered in addiction treatment and compare and contrast major components of each theory.

3. Identify a professional code of conduct for persons working in addiction studies.

4. Explain the legal guidelines for addiction studies and criminal justice in regards to client confidentiality and duty to protect.

5. Describe the process of admission to treatment, including stages of change and mandated/voluntary clients.

6. Understand the rationale of DSM-V (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) diagnosis codes and their use in substance abuse assessment.

7. Demonstrate knowledge of the models of addiction and the counseling methodology included in each.

8. Explain the difference in counseling levels and the diagnosis/needs/risk assessment that contributes to determination of the appropriate level of treatment.

9. Understand the rationale of ASAM (American Society of Addiction Medicine) level of care codes and their use in treatment planning.

10. Identify and describe the screening, assessment, and treatment planning skills necessary for case management and appropriate client monitoring.

11. Describe impediments to treatment and clinical treatment issues for individual clients.

12. Define co-occurring disorders and the relationship between substance abuse and mental disorders.

13. Match client needs and community resources to facilitate positive client outcomes.

14. Demonstrate oral and written communication skills.

15. Understand the dynamics of crisis intervention and the strategies for use with the client.

16. Demonstrate knowledge of accepted principles of participant record management.

17. Understand how to adapt counseling strategies to the individual characteristics of the client, including special needs or populations.

18. Understand cultural competency in its application to the provision of counseling services to a diverse population.

19. Understand and explain the basic principles of counseling strategies such as Cognitive Behavior Therapy or Dialectical Behavior Therapy.

20. Consider the context, costs, benefits and consequences of potential solutions to problems or issues. 

21. Use creativity and alternative thinking to brainstorm new ideas and possible solutions to problems or issues. 

22. Identify ethical dilemmas associated with environmental, social or cultural issues. 

23. Use reflection to examine personal beliefs and values and identify their origins and potential biases. 

Approved for Online Delivery?: Yes
Course Outline:
I. Legal, Ethical, and Professional Responsibility

A. Ethical/Unethical Theories, Concepts and Issues

B. Schools of Ethical Thought (Pleasure, Morality, Religion, Utilitarianism)

C. Ethics in Criminal Justice/Addiction

D. Professional Code of Conduct

1. Definition of Profession

a. Criminal Justice Professional

b. Addictions Professional

2. Influence of Personal Issues and Beliefs

a. Appearance of Impropriety and Conflict of Interest

b. Ends/Means Justification

c. Addiction/Free Will Discussion

3. Recognition of Code of Conduct by Professional Organization

a. Enforcement of Standard of Conduct

H. Legal Requirements/Guidelines for Conduct of Criminal Justice Professional or Certified Addictions Counselor

1. Agency Rules or Policies

2. Certification or Licensure Board Rules and Policies

3. State and Local Statutes, Court Decisions and Policies

4. Federal Statutes, Court Decision, and Policies

a. Federal Confidentiality Guidelines and Penalties

b. HIPPA Privacy Act Requirements

5. Ethical and legal conflicts between professional responsibility and organization policy

6.  Standard of Treatment

a. Evaluation of Agency and Individual Roles and Legal Responsibility

II. Addictions Treatment

A. Admission to Treatment

1. Mandated/Non-voluntary

2. Voluntary Client Directed

B. Treatment Settings

1. Types of Facilities

2. Pharmacological Treatment

3. Self-help Models of Treatment

4. Intervention

C. Models of Addiction

D. Counseling Skills for Addicted Clients

E. Group Treatment of Addiction

1. Cognitive Behavior Therapy

2. Dialectical Behavior Therapy

3. Rational Emotive and Reality Therapy

4. Other

III. Case Management Skills, Monitoring, and Client Supervision

A. Screening and Assessment

1. Client Engagement and Assessment of Readiness for Change

2. Diagnosis

3. DSM-V

B. Treatment Planning

            1. ASAM Placement Criteria

C. Case Management

D. Aftercare

E. Resources and Services

F. Impediments to Treatment

1. Physical and Mental Abuse

2. Ethnicity, Race, and Social Class

3. Criminal Offenses

G. Recovery and Relapse Prevention Management

IV. Clinical Treatment Issues/Special Populations

A. Addiction Issues for Older Adults

B. Addiction Issues for Adolescents

C. Addiction Issues for Women

D Addiction Issues for Men

V. Family and Community Issues

VI. Co-Occurring Disorders

A. Definition of Co-Occurring Disorders

1. Relationship between mental disorder and substance abuse

2. Treatment implication

3. Mental Disorder Definition

4. ASAM Placement Criteria

B. Screening and Assessment for Co-Occurring Disorder

C. Development of Successful Therapeutic relationships

D. Continuing Care and Discharge Planning

1. Housing

2. Case Management Services

3. Medication Management

4. Positive Peer Network

5. Family Education

VII. Relapse Strategies

A. Stages of Relapse

B. Coping Strategies

VIII. Multicultural Interaction

A. Definition

B. Counseling Strategies for Diverse Cultures

C. Developing Culturally Competent Skills

IX. Crisis Intervention

A. Assessment

B. Strategies

X. Client Education

A. Addiction Information

B. Resources

XI. Collaboration with Community Stakeholders

A. Criminal Justice System

B. Addiction Community

C. Funding Sources

D. Governmental Oversight

XII. Writing Skills/Reports

A. Assessment

B. Treatment Plan

C. Case Management

D. Discharge Summary

XIII. Associated Behavioral Addictions

A. Gambling, Internet, Social Media

B. Sexual, Romantic Relationships,Food

C. Exercise, Shopping, Work, etc

XIV. Family and Community Support

Course aligned with performance standards and skill set required by the Michigan Certification Board for Addiction Professionals (MCBAP)

Mandatory CLO Competency Assessment Measures:
Addiction Studies Assessment and Treatment Planning Writing Rubric
Name of Industry Recognize Credentials: None
Instructional Strategies:
Lecture: 40-60%

Mediated Instruction: 5-8%

Group Exercise: 10-20%

Guest Speakers: 5-10%

Case Studies: 20-40%

Field Trip: 5-8%

Facilitated Discussion: 5-15%

Mandatory Course Components:
Client Assessment/Treatment Planning/Case Management/Discharge Project
Academic Program Prerequisite: None
Prerequisites/Other Requirements: C or Higher in the following courses: CJ 243  and CJ 245  and CJ 246  OR Instructor Consent
English Prerequisite(s): None
Math Prerequisite(s): None
Course Corerequisite(s): None
Course-Specific Placement Test: None
Consent to Enroll in Course: No Department Consent Required
Total Lecture Hours Per Week: 3
Faculty Credential Requirements:
Certification/License Requirement (list below), Master’s Degree (GRCC general requirement), Professionally qualified through work experience in field (Perkins Act or Other) (list below)
Faculty Credential Requirement Details: Current valid certification by the Michigan Certification Board for Addiction Professionals or advanced degree specifically in Addiction Studies is required.

Minimum 4000 hours of professional employment related to Addiction.
General Room Request: None
Maximum Course Enrollment: 26
Equivalent Courses: None
Dual Enrollment Allowed?: Yes
Number of Times Course can be taken for credit: 1
Programs Where This Courses is a Requirement:
Addiction Studies Certificate, Corrections, A.A.A.S., Juvenile Services, A.A.A.S.
People Soft Course ID Number: 104007
Course CIP Code: 43.9999
High School Articulation Agreements exist?: No
If yes, with which high schools?: NA
Non-Credit GRCC Agreement exist?: No
If yes, with which Departments?: NA
Corporate Articulation Agreement exist?: No
If yes, with which Companies?: NA

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