Jul 01, 2024  
GRCC Curriculum Database (2024-2025 Academic Year) 
GRCC Curriculum Database (2024-2025 Academic Year)
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CJ 245 - Substance Abuse

This course is a study of the causes of drug abuse as well as the current social, legal, and treatment responses to the problem. Psychological and physiological effects of all classes of drugs, including marijuana, hallucinogens, stimulants, narcotics, depressants, inhalants, and over the counter and prescription medication are studied in detail.  It is recommended that students have a basic knowledge of the criminal justice system including terminology and theory along with basic writing ability prior to enrolling in this course.
Credit Hours: 3
Contact Hours: 3
School: School of Business & Industry
Department: Criminal Justice
Discipline: CJ
Last Revision Date Effective: 2017-03-13 21:25:42
Course Review & Revision Year: 2025-2026
Course Type:
Program Requirement- Offering designed to meet the learning needs of students in a specific GRCC program.
Course Format:
Lecture - 1:1

General Education Requirement: None
General Education Learner Outcomes (GELO):
Course Learning Outcomes:
1. Identify and analyze the cultural trends that support the use of licit and illicit drugs.

2. Identify and analyze historical trends significant to the development of drug use in Michigan, the United States, and internationally.

3. Identify and explain the impact of drug use on different cultural, racial, and ethnic groups and how culturally sensitive responses can be developed.

4. Examine the physiological effect of the use of drugs on the central nervous system, organs of the body, fetal development, and specifically the brain.

5. Describe the methods of drug administration, metabolism of drugs, and methodology of drug testing.

6. Define and explain altered states of consciousness and the psychological effects of drug use.

7. Describe the use of marijuana and the physiological and psychological effects on the individual.

8. List the various hallucinogens and to describe the respective physiological and psychological effects on the individual user.

9. Identify the various stimulants, including cocaine, amphetamine, and methamphetamine and describe their physiological and psychological effects on the individual user.

10. Explain the various depressants, including barbiturates and tranquilizers, and describe their physiological and psychological effects on the individual user.

11. Identify drugs classified as narcotics and describe the physiological and psychological effects on the individual user.

12. List substances classified as inhalants and describe their physiological and psychological effects on the individual user.

13. Identify and describe the physiological and psychological effects on the individual of caffeine, nicotine, herbal, and over the counter and prescription medications.

14. Discuss the impact of drug use on society and legal, political, and law enforcement responses to drug use.

15. Identify state and federal laws governing the use, possession, manufacture, and sale of drugs and associated criminal activity.

16. Identify and describe objective assessment and screening methodologies as well as interviewing techniques to determine the extent of physical and psychological addiction to a drug.

17. Critically examine the methods of treatment used for drug problems and compare drug rehabilitation and treatment programs on both the state and national level.

18. Review and examine primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention programs to determine success and failure rates.

19. Research, compare, and analyze research information and present in written or oral form a summary of the information.

20. Identify quality sources for data and information pertinent to a problem or issue being examined. 

21. Identify concerns, issues or problems about the local community.

22. Understand that there are different perspectives on community, national, and international issues. 

23. Adapt to change by developing new ideas or finding improved ways of doing things. 

Approved for Online Delivery?: Yes
Course Outline:
I. Nature and Scope of Substance Use Disorders

A. Review of Current Drug Use Trends

B. Definition of Terms

C. Outside Influences

   1. Advertising

   2. Peer Pressure

   3. Family Groups

   4. Media and Public Figure

D. Cultural/Gender/Racial/Ethnic/Age Differences

   1. Ethnic and Racial Differences

   2. Gender Differences

   3. Age (Youth/Older Adult) Differences

   4. Sexual Orientation Differences

 E. Historical Trends

    1. 1900-1975

    2. 1975-1990

    3. 1990-2005

    4. 2005-present

II. Physiological Effects

  A. Central Nervous System and Brain

    1. Neurotransmitters and Synaptic Transmission

  B. Muscular, Gastrointestinal, Circulatory, and Respiratory Systems

  C. Reproductive System and Fetal Development

  D. Genetics

  E. Methods of Administration of Drugs

  F. Methods of Drug Excretion

  G. Drug Classifications

III. Drug Testing

   A. Test Methodology (oral fluid, urine, blood, breath, etc)

   B. Drug Alteration/Substitution

   C. GC/MS confirmation testing

   D. Test collection and chain of custody

IV. Psychological Effects and Motivations for Use

    A. Altered States of Consciousness

    B. Theories of Use

    C. Current trends/theories for use

V. Marijuana

     A. Description

     B. Historical Issues

     C. Physiological and Psychological Effects

     D. Level of Use and Acceptance

     E. Medical Significance/Risks

     F. Legal Issues

VI. Hallucinogens

      A. Description and Definition

      B. Examples of Hallucinogens Most Frequently Used

      C. Historical Issues

      D. Physiological and Psychological Effects

      E. Level of Use and Acceptance

      F. Medical and Religious Significance/Risks

     G. Legal Issues

VII. Inhalants

      A. Description and Definition

      B. Historical Trends

      C. Physiological and Psychological Effects

      D. Level of Use and Acceptance

      E. Medical Risks

      F. Legal Issues

VIII. Stimulants

      A. Description and Definition

      B. Examples of Stimulant Drugs (legal and illegal) and How They are Made

      C. Historical Trends

      D. Physiological and Psychological Effects

      E. Level of Use and Acceptance

      F. Medical Significance/Risks

      G. Legal Issues

IX. Depressants

      A. Description and Definition

      B. Examples of Depressant Drugs

      C. Historical Trends

      D. Physiological and Psychological Effects

      E. Level of Use and Acceptance

      F. Medical Significance/Risks

      G. Legal Issues

X. Narcotics

      A. Description and Definition

      B. Examples of Opiate and Non-Opiate Narcotic Drugs

      C. Historical Trends

      D. Physiological and Psychological Effects

      E. Level of Use and Acceptance

      F. Medical Significance/Risks

      G. Legal Issues

XI. Other Drugs

       A. Description and Definition

1. Caffeine

2. Nicotine

3. Over the Counter Drugs

4. Prescription Medication

5. Herbal Remedies

6. Cub Drugs (Ecstasy, ketamine, GHB, Rohypnol)

        B. Historical Trends

        C. Physiological and Psychological Effects

        D. Level of Use/Acceptance

        E. Medical Significance/Risk

        F. Legal Issues

1. FDA approval

             2. Patent/generic drugs

3. Margin of Safety/Lethality

XII. Legal, Political, and Law Enforcement Response

         A. Federal and State Laws

         B. Environmental Protection and Remediation Laws

         C. Interdiction and Street Level Enforcement

         D. Public Policy

         E. Legalization or Decriminalization Issues

         F. Sentencing Guidelines/Diversion

       G. Drug Courts

       H. Confidentiality

XIII. Assessment

         A. Methodologies and Assessment Tests

1. Screening

2. Objective Testing

3. Interviews

4. ASAM/DSMV Determination of Addiction

B. Staff Certification Requirements

1. MCBAP education and testing

2. Reciprocal Certification

XIV. Treatment and Prevention

           A. Types of Treatment Interventions

 1. Self-Help Groups

 2. Residential Treatment

 3. Pharmacological Treatment

 4. Outpatient Counseling/Education

 5. Detoxification

 6. Intervention

 7. Methadone/LAAM Maintenance

 8. Other Methodologies

B. Associated Diseases

C. Success/Failure Rates

D. Future Trends

E. Prevention Programs

Course aligned with performance standards and skill set required by the Michigan Certification Board for Addiction Professionals (MCBAP)

Mandatory CLO Competency Assessment Measures:
Name of Industry Recognize Credentials: None
Instructional Strategies:
Lecture: 40-60%

Mediated Instruction: 5-8%

Group Exercises: 5-10%

Guest Speakers: 5-10%

Case Studies: 5-8%

Field Trip: 5-8%

Facilitated Discussion: 5-15%

Mandatory Course Components:
Academic Program Prerequisite: None
Prerequisites/Other Requirements: None
English Prerequisite(s): None
Math Prerequisite(s): None
Course Corerequisite(s): None
Course-Specific Placement Test: None
Consent to Enroll in Course: No Department Consent Required
Total Lecture Hours Per Week: 3
Faculty Credential Requirements:
Certification/License Requirement (list below), Master’s Degree (GRCC general requirement), Professionally qualified through work experience in field (Perkins Act or Other) (list below)
Faculty Credential Requirement Details: Certification by the Michigan Certification Board of Addiction Professionals or Advanced degree specifically in Addiction Studies preferred. A minimum of 4,000 hours of related work experience is required to satisfy Perkin's Vocational Act requirements; 2 years of professional employment related to Addiction is required.
General Room Request: None
Maximum Course Enrollment: 35
Equivalent Courses: None
Dual Enrollment Allowed?: Yes
Number of Times Course can be taken for credit: 1
Programs Where This Courses is a Requirement:
Addiction Studies Certificate, Corrections, A.A.A.S., Juvenile Services, A.A.A.S.
People Soft Course ID Number: 100890
Course CIP Code: 43.9999
High School Articulation Agreements exist?: No
If yes, with which high schools?: NA
Non-Credit GRCC Agreement exist?: No
If yes, with which Departments?: NA
Corporate Articulation Agreement exist?: No
If yes, with which Companies?: NA

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