Mar 14, 2025  
2015-2016 Catalog-EXPIRED 

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CIS 285 - CIS Internship

Credits: 3
Contact Hours: 6

Prerequisites: None

Corequisites: None

College Level Prerequisites: None
Description: This course provides a paid or unpaid structured and extended off-campus experience in a supervised setting for students enrolled in an academic program in the CIS department. Students have the option to work within a variety of professional settings that are related to their GRCC academic program and future career interests. Students are required to spend a minimum of 90 hours at their internship site.

Students are responsible for identifying their own internship site. Lists of potential internship sites may be available through the academic department or GRCC Student Employment Services.

Department consent is required to enroll in this course.  Students must also have a 2.0 gpa in CIS courses and may not be on Academic Probation.  Students must be a CIS major and have completed all 100 level CIS courses in their academic program prior to enrolling in this course.

Department Consent: Department Consent

General Education Distribution Category Met: None

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