Mar 13, 2025  
2015-2016 Catalog-EXPIRED 

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WE 189 - Healthy Living

Credits: 2
Contact Hours: 2
Prerequisites: None

Corequisites: None

College Level Prerequisites: None
Description: This class is designed to teach students the concepts of how to stay healthy and prevent disease. Students will learn about different health topics such as blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, stress, sleep problems, substance abuse and misuse, principles of physical fitness, dimensions of wellness, weight management, nutrition, and cancer. Healthy Living is designed to motivate students to take their health seriously. This course will help students understand why they should make healthy choices and how they can change unhealthy patterns. This course will use Blackboard extensively. Recommended Skills: Blackboard knowledge. Student must have access to a computer as all assignments will be turned in online.

Department Consent: Wellness
General Education Distribution Category Met: Wellness

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