Feb 10, 2025
CA 286 - Advanced Saucier and Hot Kitchen with International “Stage” Credits: 5 Contact Hours: 12.5 Prerequisites: CA 285
Corequisites: TRL 730
College Level Prerequisites: None Description: This class is designed for students who are following the competition graduation track at the S.I.C.E. which culminates in participating as a member of an American regional team at the The Internationale Kochkunst Ausstellung or “Culinary Olympics.” This class is the second class of four classes which develop the culinary skills and the self-management skills necessary to become a world class culinary Olympian. Advanced sauce techniques, modern sauces, cold chaudfriod sauces as well as complex combination cooking methods associated with hot and cold food displays are covered. The students will participate in a 3 week international stage with renowned chefs at chosen properties in Europe. They will stage for a minimum of 200 hours at two facilities. This class emphasizes effortless technique, concentrating on agility, speed, and accuracy in saucier and hot food presentation. This course is offered every four years in the winter and students will be responsible for all international travel costs associated with this course. This course requires a valid passport and working visas.
Department Consent: No Consent General Education Distribution Category Met: None
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