Mar 29, 2025  
2019-2020 Catalog 
2019-2020 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Services

Student Services

Academic Advising and Transfer Center

(616) 234-3900
Room 327, Student Center

Here at GRCC, professionally trained academic advisors are available to assist you with all aspects of academic advising and transfer planning.  This means that you have been assigned an advisor who will help you with the important decisions that you must make regarding course selection, choosing an academic program (major), as well as planning for transfer to one of our four year partner institutions.  You may find the name of your assigned advisor in your online center or in MyDegreePath.   Please take advantage of this resource, as effective academic planning is key in your path to college graduation. In order to utilize the services of the Academic Advising & Transfer Center (AATC) it is best to contact our office and make an appointment.  Planning ahead and making an appointment ensures that your advisor can give you the in depth personal attention that you deserve and that he/she desires.  Aside from appointments, the AATC does offer Express Advising services whenever possible. However, Express Advising is designed to answer brief advising related questions and is not intended to be an equitable substitute for appointments.  Again, appointments are strongly recommended and must be made in advance by calling or emailing.

Description of Services offered via AATC

  • Academic Advising

It is important for you to know that successful students typically meet with their assigned advisor during the first semester to draft an academic plan and continue to meet with them, at least annually to review that plan.  In addition to drafting a plan,  advisors also help students understand course placement and  help explain  the various academic programs offered here at GRCC.   Of similar importance, please know that you  are responsible for  your academic decisions and that the AATC team is eager to assist by providing expert information related to the following: exploring possible majors, degrees, programs of study, course prerequisites, course selection and admission requirements of those programs with specific admission criteria.

It is important that students have the correct academic program declared when they come in for advising.  Students can change or declare an academic program by completing a change of academic program (major) form.  Students changing out of a Health curriculum code must contact the Health Admissions Office at (616) 234-4348 or to change your academic program into a health program, please complete the health admissions application.

  • Transfer Planning

The AATC offers a variety of opportunities for students who plan to transfer.   There are multiple transfer events held throughout the year that bring several of our four year partner schools onto campus at one time.  As well, on a regular basis we have a rotation of transfer representative from those same schools visit us in our Transfer Center, located on the 3rd floor of the Student Center.  Also, available in the Transfer Center are the most recent transfer guides/ equivalencies and transfer checklists that will help guide you in your successful transition.   While we make these resources available it is still the responsibility of each student to verify the transferability of any course taken at GRCC and this is best done by working with your assigned advisor and transfer representative. 

Visit Transfer Information for more deails. 

  • First-Year Experience

The First-Year Experience program at GRCC is designed to provide the services and programs new students need in order to be successful in college. The GRCC First-Year Experience program is designed to help incoming students maximize the first year through on campus orientation, success workshops, and a two-credit course, College Learning Studies (CLS 100).  CLS 100  is designed to assist new students in obtaining the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to be successful in college. This course is highly recommended to all new students at GRCC. For more information visit First Year Experience. In addition to the above, new college students enrolled in 12 or more credits can also participate in the GRCC First Scholars program.  GRCC First Scholars is designed to promote healthy educational habits that help lead to degree attainment.  To learn more, visit GRCC First Scholars.

Counseling and Career Development

(616) 234-4130
Room 327, Student Center

Because GRCC understands that life is more than textbooks and homework we provide Counseling & Career Development services in a confidential manner that is free of charge to enrolled students.  With few exceptions described below, these services are available by appointment only. Additional information about these services is provided below.

Description of Counseling Services:

  • Career Counseling

Career counseling helps students relate their academic goals and personal interests to career pathways. This service provides an opportunity for students to explore various careers through a series of three individualized sessions in which a counselor will guide you through the use of career assessment tools, analysis of your academic strengths, library materials, workshops, and multimedia/ online resources. Such career exploration is the ideal opportunity for those students who are undecided in their career direction or academic focus, and who need some assistance with making these important decisions. To learn more about these services visit Counseling and Career Center/Career Exploration.

  • Personal Counseling

Limited, short-term personal counseling is available to assist students in resolving personal issues that may interfere with their academic progress. Although, you are encouraged to take advantage of this service, if needed, it is important to note that it is not meant to be a substitute for long term mental health care.  In instances where it is believed that more comprehensive or long term service is best, our counselors will work closely with you to connect you with the most appropriate community resources.  Additionally, in you find yourself in immediate need because you feel that you are in crisis you may come visit us without an appointment and a crisis counselor will meet with you as soon as possible.

Disability Support Services

(616) 234-4140

Disability Support Services (DSS) collaborates with students with disabilities to coordinat accommodations and ensure full access to all academic and extracurricular programming offered by the college. In addition, this office consults with and educates faculty members about disabilities, how to implement accommodations in the classroom, and methods to assess accessibility of their course materials.

This office provides reasonable and effective testing accommodations. You must be registered with the DSS office to qualify for testing accommodations.

DSS is charged with ensuring that the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Rehabilitation Act, Section 504, and Michigan Civil Rights laws are respected at Grand Rapids Community College.  Students who wish to receive accommodations need to follow these steps:

  • Review Documentation Guidelines Online
  • Submit Documentation of Disability to DSS (fax: 616.234.3622)
  • Call DSS to verify that documentation was received and to set up an initial appointment to discuss accommodation needs with a DSS Counselor/Advisor
  • Meet with Counselor/Advisor and create an Accommodations Agreement
  • Show Accommodations Agreement to each professor and discuss the accommodations listed
  • Renew Accommodations Agreement with DSS Counselor/Advisor each semester

Please note: Arrangements for personal care services are the responsibility of the student (see Regulation 35.135, ADA).

Occupational Support Programs

(616) 234-4155

Students can partner with the Occupational Support Program (OSP) to develop a plan to earn their degree or certificate at GRCC and be ready to step into a career.  This enhanced advising program is designed to work with students to develop individualized education and employment readiness plans, to guide them through coursework and the transition into the workplace.  Participants may benefit from an assigned counselor/advisor, individualized academic planning, job readiness support, networking opportunities, financial resources, child care options, and resume building.

GRCC Degrees the Occupational Support Program can usually support:

  • Associate of Applied Arts and Sciences, AAAS
  • Associate of Business, AB
  • Associate of Nursing, ADN
  • Associate of Music, AM (Recording Technology only)
  • Certificates

In addition to being enrolled in one of the above degrees, a student must be:

  • Pell eligible or,
  • A single parent or,
  • A student with a disability or,
  • In a gender-based non-traditional career path or
  • An English as a Second Language student

TRiO Programs

Room 368, Student Center

TRiO/Student Support Services has been serving students at Grand Rapids Community College for over 30 years. It is a program designed to work with eligible students by providing support and encouragement for those wanting to earn an associate’s degree and then transfer to a 4-year institution.  Services provided include: professional tutoring, academic planning, personal counseling, career exploration, research opportunities, college visits, volunteering opportunities, and much more! 

  • Student Support Services Program
    (616) 234-4150
    Student Support Services (SSS) is a federally funded program that provides opportunities for academic development, assists students with basic college requirements, and serves to motivate students toward the successful completion of their post-secondary education. The SSS program may also provide grant aid to current SSS participants who are receiving Federal Pell Grants. To receive assistance, students must be enrolled or accepted for enrollment at Grand Rapids Community College in a degree-seeking program. Low-income students who are first-generation (neither parent graduated from a four-year college/university) and are in need of academic support are eligible to participate in SSS.

Academic Testing Services

(616) 234-3413
Room 325, Student Center

The Academic Testing Center provides testing services for GRCC students and the community at large. We offer a variety of tests from College Level Examination Programs (CLEP) and Challenge exams for college credit, to professional certification exams for the business community. We also offer Online and special proctored exams for students from other colleges. Disability Support Services (DSS) Testing provides reasonable and effective testing accommodations. You must be registered with Disability Support Services for qualify to testing accommodations.

Academic Support & Tutoring Services

(616) 234-4145
2nd Floor, Learning Center


Academic Support & Tutoring Services (ASTS) is a main point of contact for students who need help with their academic coursework.  Knowledgeable and encouraging tutors will provide students with support for their classes. All current GRCC students are welcome, and all of the services are free. We offer a variety of tutorial support to help students achieve their academic and personal goals here at GRCC

  • Subject-centered tutorial labs are available on a walk-in basis in the following areas: Biology; Mathematics; Health; Advanced Math, Physics, and Chemistry; Writing and Language; Business and Accounting; Computers; and Auto CAD/Pro-E/Mechanical Desktop. Professional and student tutors assist students with their coursework in line with classroom instruction, answering questions about class lectures, or and readings assigned in textbooks.  In addition to tutoring and support, all the tutorial labs offer open computing for all GRCC students.  Locations of the various labs are listed below.
  • Appointment-based tutoring allows students to receive tutoring through scheduled appointments. Students may be placed in a group with other students who share the same instructor and course number.  Once scheduled, they will meet with the same tutor every week for the remainder of the semester.  Forms to request a tutor are available in the Academic Support & Tutoring Services office, room 232, 2nd Floor Library & Learning Commons.

If you have questions about our services please visit GRCC Tutoring.


Lab Location Room #
Calculus and Physical Sciences Tutorial Lab 1st Floor SCIE RM 103
ATC Tutorial and Open Computer Lab 2nd FloorATC RM 215
Mechanical & Architectural Design CAD Lab 2nd Floor ATC RM 215
Biology Learning Center 1st Floor SCIE RM 106
Business Tutorial & Computer Lab 2nd Floor Cook  RM 201
IRW and Foundations Support Center 2nd Floor LRC RM 234
Language Arts Tutorial & Computer Lab 5th Floor Cook RM 501
Health Sciences Resource and Learning Lab 3rd Floor Cook RM 301
Mathematics Tutorial & Computer Lab 1st Floor Cook RM 105
Mathematics Prep and Learning Lab 1st Flook Cook RM 106
Science Computer Lab 1st Floor SCIE RM 104 & 105
Sneden Hall Computer Lab 2nd Floor Sneden RM 215
Appointment-based tutoring 2nd Floor LRC RM 232

Student Life

(616) 234-4160
02, Student Center

The purpose of the Office of Student Life and Conduct is multi-faceted.  First, through exceptional customer service we deliver timely and needed services to help students successfully navigate the college experience, and provide access to tools and resources so they may reach their academic goals.  Second, by developing and empowering student leaders, we promote a wide array of events, activities, and engagement opportunities (both outside the class and in partnership with faculty) that enrich the student experience and improves student learning.