Sep 30, 2024  
GRCC Curriculum Database (2024-2025 Academic Year) 
GRCC Curriculum Database (2024-2025 Academic Year)
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DMP 215 - Digital Video Production

Digital Video Production explores the basics of camera operation, camera techniques, composition principles, and digital media theory. Through pre-production, organized workflow, and basic lighting techniques, this course facilitates the production, direction, and editing of single camera videos. With an emphasis on hands-on production experience, videos are created across many genres by assembling audio, voice-overs, music, and graphics within a digital editing program leveraging basic non-linear editing concepts.
Credit Hours: 3
Contact Hours: 4
School: School of STEM
Department: Computer Information Systems
Discipline: CIS
Last Revision Date Effective: 2018-2019
Course Review & Revision Year: 2023-2024
Course Type:
Computer Information Systems
Course Format:
Lecture/Lab - Must meet Lecture & Lab Ratios

General Education Requirement: None
General Education Learner Outcomes (GELO):
Course Learning Outcomes:
1. Understand the formal process of a) file workflow, b) lighting, c) shooting video, d) critiquing peer projects, e) editing video, and f) archiving final projects.

2. Capture footage in the field for small format production projects using the correct technical settings of a video camera.

3. Use a tripod, run a camera hand-held, and adjust lighting and camera controls.

4. Understand the technical terminology of video and its application such as focal length, f/stop, shutter speed, and depth of field.

5. Understand the traditional standards of composition and industry expectations regarding presentation of subjects.

6. Understand the process of editing video in non-linear editing software.

7. Understand and describe various formats, codecs, and resolutions of digital video.

8. Explain multiple editing concepts such as b-roll, cutaways, cut-ins, match action, and montage, and apply them appropriately.

9. Make appropriate microphone selections while shooting video, recording audio in the field, or recording a voice over.

10. Implement the process of a video project from start to finish.

11. Effectively and constructively critique the work of peers.

12. Effectively organize communications, ensuring there is a clear introduction and conclusion, the content is well-sequenced, and there are appropriate transitions. (CS2)

13. Use reflection to examine personal beliefs and values and identify their origins and potential biases. (SR10)

Approved for Online Delivery?: No
Course Outline:
I. Introduction to Video Production

A. Overview of Course
B. Digital Video Theory
C. Camera Lens Theory
D. Tour Media Technologies and Available Equipment

II. Pre-Production

A. Scriptwriting
B. Budgets and Pricing
C. Location Scouting

III. Production

A. Basic Camera Operations and Setup
B. Framing and Composition
C. Microphones and Audio in Video Production
D. File Structure and Workflow

IV. Lighting Techniques

A. Introduction to Lighting Theory
B. Lighting Equipment and Controls
C. 3-Point Lighting

V. Post-Production

A. Editing Concepts
B. Non-Linear Editing Tools
C. Music and Basic Audio Mixing

VI. Publishing

A. Understanding Formats, Codecs, and Resolutions
B. Delivering Final Products: The Cloud, Streaming, and Hardware
C. Digital Video in Social Media

VII. Final Project and Peer Evaluation

Mandatory CLO Competency Assessment Measures:
Name of Industry Recognize Credentials: None
Instructional Strategies:
Lecture: 40-60%

Classroom Discussion: 10-20%

Lab Projects: 40-60%

Mandatory Course Components:
Academic Program Prerequisite: None
Prerequisites/Other Requirements: None
English Prerequisite(s): None
Math Prerequisite(s): None
Course Corerequisite(s): None
Course-Specific Placement Test: None
Consent to Enroll in Course: No Department Consent Required
Total Lecture/Lab Hours Per Week: 4
Faculty Credential Requirements:
Master’s Degree (GRCC general requirement), Professionally qualified through work experience in field (Perkins Act or Other) (list below)
Faculty Credential Requirement Details: Faculty should possess a minimum of a Bachelor's Degree in a related field such as video production, film, or digital media alongside a history of work in the industry for at least 5 years. The instructor should also have a Master's Degree in education or a related field.
General Room Request: Computer Lab
Maximum Course Enrollment: 20
Equivalent Courses: None
Dual Enrollment Allowed?: Yes
Number of Times Course can be taken for credit: 1
First Term Valid: Fall 2019 (8/1/2019)
1st Catalog Year: 2019-2020
People Soft Course ID Number:

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