Mar 24, 2025  
GRCC Curriculum Database (2024-2025 Academic Year) 
GRCC Curriculum Database (2024-2025 Academic Year)
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CIS 116 - Introduction to Computer Programming

This course is a basic introduction to computer program writing that emphasizes the importance of design and coordinating procedures to accomplish programming objectives. Topics include defining variables, problem solving using condition and loop statements, object oriented concepts, the programming process, and program design tools. After solid preparation, students begin to write programs in a structured pattern of modules. This course prepares students to transition to higher level programming courses.
Credit Hours: 3
Contact Hours: 3
School: School of STEM
Department: Computer Information Systems
Discipline: CIS
Major Course Revisions: N/A
Last Revision Date Effective: 20220215T17:59:39
Course Review & Revision Year: 2026-2027
Course Type:
Program Requirement- Offering designed to meet the learning needs of students in a specific GRCC program.
Course Format:
Lecture - 1:1

General Education Requirement: None
General Education Learner Outcomes (GELO):
Course Learning Outcomes:
1. Describe and demonstrate how to create, compile and run programs.

2. Solve problems using conditional statements.

3. Solve problems using repetition statements.

4. Identify and utilize appropriate data types.

5. Apply and solve problems using procedures or modules.

6. Apply and solve problems using array-like data structures.

7. Define and implement fundamental object-oriented programming concepts

Approved for Online Delivery?: Yes
Course Outline:
I. Introductions, Setting up the Programming Environment

II. Introduction to Programming

III. Variables and Expressions

IV. Data Types and Conversions

V. Branching and Conditional Statements

VI. Loops

VII. String Manipulation

VIII. Procedures or modules

IX. Array-like data structures

X. Classes, Methods, and Objects


Mandatory CLO Competency Assessment Measures:
Name of Industry Recognize Credentials: None
Instructional Strategies:
Lecture: 10-40%

Facilitated discussion: 0-20%

Group work: 0-10%

Applied work: 30-60%

Mandatory Course Components:
1. At least 15 Programming Projects and Activities

Academic Program Prerequisite: None
Prerequisites/Other Requirements: None
English Prerequisite(s): None
Math Prerequisite(s): None
Course Corerequisite(s): None
Course-Specific Placement Test: None
Course Aligned with IRW: IRW 97, IRW 98, IRW 99
Consent to Enroll in Course: No Department Consent Required
Total Lecture Hours Per Week: 3
Faculty Credential Requirements:
Master’s Degree (GRCC general requirement), Professionally qualified through work experience in field (Perkins Act or Other) (list below)
Faculty Credential Requirement Details: The instructor must possess knowledge of the current operating environment, 4000 hours of programming experience, knowledge of the programming environment, a good background in object oriented programing, and, above all, be able to clearly explain all topics covered in the course so that the student will be able to understand the concepts taught.
Maximum Course Enrollment: 24
Equivalent Courses: None
Dual Enrollment Allowed?: Yes
AP Min. Score:
Number of Times Course can be taken for credit:
Programs Where This Courses is a Requirement:
Computer Programming, A.A.A.S., Computer Support Specialist, A.A.A.S., CyberSecurity, Certificate, Network Administration, A.A.A.S., Web/UX Design and Development, A.A.A.S.
People Soft Course ID Number: 100130
Course CIP Code: 11.9999
High School Articulation Agreements exist?: Yes
If yes, with which high schools?: East Kentwood High School, Forest Hills Central High School, Forest Hills Eastern High School, Forest Hills Northern High School, Hudsonville High School, Kent Career Technical Center, Thornapple Kellogg High School
Essential Abilities/Technical Standards:

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