MN 136 - Basic Arc Welding Description This course covers the theory and application of Shielded Metal Arc Welding on plate steel and multiple joint configurations. Emphasis is placed on the methods of performing various types of welds on all position work to the American Welding Society code.
This course along with MN 134 , MN 202 , MN 203 , and MN 231 prepares students to take tests and complete laboratory work leading to the American Welding Society Sense Level 1 Credential. Credit Hours: 4 Contact Hours: 8 School: School of Business & Industry Department: Manufacturing Discipline: MN Last Revision Date Effective: 2017-04-17 10:48:14 Course Review & Revision Year: 2025-2026 Course Type: Program Requirement- Offering designed to meet the learning needs of students in a specific GRCC program. Course Format: Lecture/Lab - Must meet Lecture & Lab Ratios
General Education Requirement: None General Education Learner Outcomes (GELO): NA Course Learning Outcomes:
Performs safety inspections of SMAW equipement and accessories.
Makes minor external repairs to SMAW equipment and accessories.
Sets up for SMAW operations on carbon steel.
Operates SMAW equipment on carbon steel.
Makes fillet welds in all positions on carbon steel.
Makes groove welds in all positions on carbon steel.
Clearly and completely state and describe a problem/issue.
Identify the best solution to a problem or issue.
Approved for Online Delivery?: No Course Outline: I. Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW)
A. 6010, 6013, 7018, stringers and Waves all position
B. 6010, 6013, 7018, 1 and 3 laps, all position
C. 6010, 6013, 7018, 1 and 3 fillets all position
D. 6010, 7018, butt Welds full penetration all position
E. 6010, 6013, 7018, cross angle, flat position
II. Oxygen/Acetylene Cutting and Safety (OAW)
A. Safety and OAW C
B. Cutting with OAW
III. Machinery Use and Safety
A. Grinder
B. Shear
C. Eye and Ear Protection
D. Quench Procedure
E. Shop Tour
F. Metal use in the shop
G. Electrode use in the shop
H. Lectures and group activities Mandatory CLO Competency Assessment Measures: None Name of Industry Recognize Credentials: None Instructional Strategies: Lectures: 20-30%
Lab Demonstrations: 0-10%
Student Lab Projects: 50-60%
Media: 0-10%
Reading Assignments-Group Work: 0-10%
Mandatory Course Components: None Academic Program Prerequisite: None Prerequisites/Other Requirements: None English Prerequisite(s): None Math Prerequisite(s): None Course Corerequisite(s): None Course-Specific Placement Test: None Consent to Enroll in Course: No Department Consent Required Total Lecture/Lab Hours Per Week: 8 Faculty Credential Requirements: Master’s Degree (GRCC general requirement), Professionally qualified through work experience in field (Perkins Act or Other) (list below) Faculty Credential Requirement Details: Bachelor’s of Science in Welding Engineering, Manufacturing, Construction, Engineering, Automotive or related field required.
A minimum of 2 years of related work experience (4,000 hours) is required (Perkins Act). Maximum Course Enrollment: 18 Equivalent Courses: None Dual Enrollment Allowed?: Yes Advanced Placement (AP) Exam Credit Accepted: None AP Min. Score: None Number of Times Course can be taken for credit: 1 Programs Where This Courses is a Requirement: Industrial Maintenance Technology, A.A.A.S., Industrial Maintenance Certificate, Welding Technology, A.A.A.S., Welding Certificate, Welding Skills Certificate People Soft Course ID Number: 101505 Course CIP Code: 48.9999 High School Articulation Agreements exist?: Yes If yes, with which high schools?: Allegan County Tech Center, Careerline Tech Center, Mecosta-Osceola High School, Montcalm Area Career Center, Saugatuck High School, Tassell M-TEC & Job Training Non-Credit GRCC Agreement exist?: Yes If yes, with which Departments?: Tassell MTEC and job training Corporate Articulation Agreement exist?: No If yes, with which Companies?: NA
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