Mar 06, 2025  
GRCC Curriculum Database (2024-2025 Academic Year) 
GRCC Curriculum Database (2024-2025 Academic Year)
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BA 276 - Business Innovation

This course introduces students to the commercialization of ideas and inventions through business innovation and the innovation process. Students learn about the exciting world of innovators, inventors, and idea people who create real-market solutions through the development of new products, services, and processes. Innovators are the key driving force impacting economic development in the world.
Credit Hours: 4
Contact Hours: 4
School: School of Business & Industry
Department: Business
Discipline: BA
Last Revision Date Effective: 2017-03-03 20:11:03
Course Review & Revision Year: 2025-2026
Course Type:
Program Requirement- Offering designed to meet the learning needs of students in a specific GRCC program.
Course Format:
Lecture - 1:1

General Education Requirement: None
General Education Learner Outcomes (GELO):
Course Learning Outcomes:
1. Explain the nature and importance of innovation to the business enterprise.

2. Articulate the key differences between creativity, invention, and innovation.

3. Describe the important concepts of innovation and how they are being used in business today.

4. Assess major opportunities, limitations, issues, and risks relating to innovation.

5. Evaluate the importance of human capital in successful business innovation ventures.

6. Analyze the basic building blocks of innovation and identify the skills that drive the business innovation process.

7. Identify skills needed to be a contributor, catalyst, and thinker within the business innovation process.

8. Define key innovation initiatives in business.

9. Discuss business innovation strategies for growing and managing a venture.

10. Describe the role innovation plays in the U.S. economy and why businesses are counting on business innovation to drive competitive advantage in the 21st century economy.

11. Describe or demonstrate how to develop a position paper that takes an idea or concept through the business innovation process that leads to a successful new product, service, or process.

12. Describe or demonstrate how to develop a business innovation plan for a new or existing venture.

13. Use high-quality, credible, relevant sources to support writing. (CS8)

14. Consider the context, costs, benefits and consequences of potential solutions to problems or issues. (CT2)

15. Use creativity and alternative thinking to brainstorm new ideas and possible solutions to problems or issues. (CT8)

Approved for Online Delivery?: Yes
Course Outline:
I. Evolving Innovation

A. History of Innovation

B. Creativity and Innovation

C. The Conventional Tools of Creativity

D. Innovation in the Information Age

E. Need for Innovation on Demand

II. Understanding Innovation

A. Brain Hardware and Innovation Processes

B. Framework for Innovation

C. Room for Innovation

D. Innovation Development

E. Measures of Innovation

III. Institutionalizing Innovation

A. Innovation in Service

B. Protecting the Innovation

C. Commercializing the Innovation

D. Managing the Innovation

Mandatory CLO Competency Assessment Measures:
Name of Industry Recognize Credentials: None
Instructional Strategies:
Lecture/Discussion: 10-50%

Facilitated class discussion: 10-50%

Student presentations and Q & A: 0-30%

Group work: 0-30%

Mandatory Course Components:
Academic Program Prerequisite: None
Prerequisites/Other Requirements: None
English Prerequisite(s): None
Math Prerequisite(s): None
Course Corerequisite(s): None
Course-Specific Placement Test: None
Consent to Enroll in Course: No Department Consent Required
Total Lecture Hours Per Week: 4
Faculty Credential Requirements:
Master’s Degree (GRCC general requirement), Professionally qualified through work experience in field (Perkins Act or Other) (list below)
Faculty Credential Requirement Details: Master’s Degree must be in a business related field. Professor must possess proven successful business experience in the field of Business Innovation.
General Room Request: None
Maximum Course Enrollment: 24
Equivalent Courses: None
Dual Enrollment Allowed?: No
Advanced Placement (AP) Exam Credit Accepted: None
AP Min. Score: None
Number of Times Course can be taken for credit: 1
Programs Where This Courses is a Requirement:
Business Administration, A.B., Entrepreneurship Certificate, Marketing, A.B., Management and Supervision, A.B., Pre-Business, A.A. (Cornerstone University), Pre-Business, A.B. (3+1, Davenport University), 
People Soft Course ID Number: 104092
Course CIP Code: 52.9999
High School Articulation Agreements exist?: No
If yes, with which high schools?: NA
Non-Credit GRCC Agreement exist?: No
If yes, with which Departments?: NA
Corporate Articulation Agreement exist?: No
If yes, with which Companies?: NA

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